Now showing items 21-40 of 101

    • Transboundry Peace Parks: Conservation, Collaboration and National Security 

      Stefanick, Lorna (2010-06-23)
      In 2004, the Nobel Peace prize was awarded to a Kenyan activist who is a leader in Africa’s anti-corruption, environmental, and women’s movement. In doing so, the Nobel Committee redefined the concept of peace to emphasize ...
    • Electricity Market Reforms in Alberta: A Preliminary Assessment 

      Newark, John (2010-06-23)
      Alberta, Canada attempted to introduce competition into wholesale electricity markets in the late 1990s. In 2000/01 wholesale prices skyrocketed. Price rose as high as prices did in California, at the same time, and stayed ...
    • Collaborating with Unions to Tell the Workers’ Story: the Celanese Edmonton Workers’ Commemoration Project 

      Finkel, Alvin (2010-06-23)
      Over the past 8 years, the Alberta Labour History Institute (ALHI) has produced videos and transcriptions of over 200 interviews with trade union leaders, activists, and rank-and-filers in an effort to produce a workers' ...
    • Coordinating Autonomous Agents For Force Protection Using Contract Nets 

      Esmahi, Larbi (2010-06-23)
      The survivability of a naval surface combatant depends largely on the effective management of combat resources. In terms of platform-centric self-protection, situation assessment strategies and engagement policies governing ...
    • Enhancing Mobile Learning Delivery through Exploration of the Learner Experience 

      Bhattacharya, Madhumita (2010-06-23)
      This article focuses on the introduction of wireless mobile technology for the collaborative group activities in problem based learning. In this study students have used Tablet PC to interact with each other and to collate ...
    • Attended 

      Richards, Kevin (2010-06-23)
      The conference presents an opportunity for professionals involved in the support of Information Technology (IT) at institutions of higher education to network peers, learn and share ideas about supporting clients and ...
    • Attended 

      Ponto, Kathy (2010-06-23)
      I am an Editor in the School business; instructional design and asynchronous learning processes are important aspects of my job. I plan to attend \"Making Good Courses Better,\" \"Quality Matters Rubric to Enrich Online ...
    • Attended 

      Moroz, Brent (2010-06-23)
      The conference presents an opportunity for professionals involved in the support of Information Technology (IT) at institutions of higher education to network peers, learn and share ideas about supporting clients and ...
    • Attended 

      MacIsaac, Peggy Lynn (2010-06-23)
      This training opportunity is organized through COPPUL (Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries) and Statistics Canada’s Data Liberation Initiative (DLI), which provides access to Statistics Canada resources ...
    • Attended 

      Houry, Sami (2010-06-23)
      I will be a student among others who will be taking courses through MRIA\'s School of Marketing Research to obtain my CMRP designation. So far I have completed two courses and would like to receive funding to take two ...
    • Attended Strategic Enrollment Management Conference 

      Fabbro, Mark (2010-06-23)
      I will be attending the conference and participating in a variety of sessions and workshops related to SEM, as well as networking with colleagues during allotted times to gain insight into their related experiences and ...
    • Diabetes Care in the Capital Health Region: A Model of Chronic Disease Management 

      Krell, Kari (2010-06-23)
      The prevalence of chronic disease is increasing in Canada and around the world. People are living longer and are developing chronic conditions and often multiple co-morbidities. The growing population of people suffering ...
    • e Evolution of the Substorm Current Wedge from Ground and Space-based Magnetic Fields 

      Connors, Martin (2010-06-23)
      Over the past several years, intensive efforts have resulted in a significant improvement in the ground instrumentation for auroral studies in North America. A major part of this is due to the THEMIS ground program, both ...
    • Back to the future: What’s Next for the Online Community of Inquiry Model? 

      Cleveland-Innes, Martha (2010-06-23)
      The academic and social domains are represented in the online community of inquiry model by three elements called presences: Social, cognitive and teaching presence. To date, much research has been done on this model, yet ...
    • Solution Focused Brief Therapy with Children and Youth: Creative Settings, Strategies and Techniques 

      Chang, Jeff (2010-06-23)
      In this discussion, participants will describe and discuss innovations in SFT with children and adolescents. After a conceptual overview, participants will be asked to contribute their creative ideas. These could include: ...
    • Approaching 40: The Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada 

      Arscott, Jane (2010-06-23)
      Gender analysis is settling into comfortable middle age in the forty years since the creation of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. The Royal Commission produced a case study in democratization and social inclusion ...
    • Use of Mobile Learning Technology to Train ESL Adults” at the 6th World Conference on Mobile Learning 

      Ally, Mohamed (2010-06-23)
      The Mobile learning ESL Project provides anyone needing assistance with remedial grammar to complete interactive lessons and exercises so that they can improve themselves to function in the workplace. Students can brush ...
    • Many Views of Athabasca University 

      Shouldice, Michael (2010-06-23)
      Due to the increasingly competitive atmosphere in higher education, providing excellent service to students is more important than ever. Institutions must provide good services that initially attract students to their ...
    • Yoga as part of Wellness in the Workplace: A Case Study 

      Shields, Diana (2010-06-23)
      This paper is written for a presentation at the 2nd Annual Atlantic Networks for Prevention Research (ANPR) Conference and is accompanied by a series of short activities that demonstrate some of the potential health benefits ...
    • Attended 

      Luckay, Jennifer (2010-06-23)
      All creative, marketing, and communications professionals are invited to attend the UCDA Design Conference. At the conference you\'ll discover ideas, tools and techniques to make you more effective while inspiring creativity. ...

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