Attended Strategic Enrollment Management Conference
I will be attending the conference and participating in a variety of sessions and workshops related to SEM, as well as networking with colleagues during allotted times to gain insight into their related experiences and activities. The insight gained will be shared with colleagues within the University and will inform the work of the committees that I am a member of where appropriate.
I have worked in the Registration field for over five years at AU, and have regularly participated in a variety of professional development opportunities across North America to improve upon my personal knowledge base and bring this information back to the University and the broader post secondary community. I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge from previous AACRAO conferences I have attended, both through the formal sessions as well as informal networking with professionals from a wide variety of institutions, and I expect that the SEM conference will afford a similar opportunity.
Athabasca University, as a distance education provider, does not fit the typical profile of most post-secondary institutions, yet the themes that will be addressed in the conference are shared by Registrar’s offices in all educational institutions. As a result, the knowledge, skills, insight, and personal contacts gained through participation in the conference will be both valuable to AU and the work that I perform daily as both Coordinator and Acting
Associate Registrar, as well as to my potential career advancement in the profession. SEM is a topic that I am not well versed in, hence my interest in participating in this conference to gain insight into best practices and activities that can be incorporated at AU to help us achieve the goals outlined in the most recent SUP.