Academic and Professional Development Fund (APDF) Awards
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The APDF is administered by and for academic and professional staff members who report to the Vice-President Academic. The APDF supports two general types of activities:
- presentation of papers to learned societies and colloquia
- participation in professional development courses, seminars, and workshops
This repository houses and manages reports for APDF.
Collections in this community
Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2007-2008
2007-08 Reports -
Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2008-2009
2008-09 Reports -
Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2009-2010
2009-10 Reports -
Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2010-2011
2010-11 reports -
Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2011-2012
2011-12 reports -
Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2012-2013
2012-13 reports -
Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2013-2014
2013-14 reports -
Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2014-2015
2014-15 reports -
Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2015-2016
2015-16 reports
Recent Submissions
Representing Race in the Public Sphere – Contrasting the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) with research presented via Edmonton Public Library Theatre
(British Sociological Society Annual Conference, in Leeds University, UK, April 23-25, 2014, 2014-03-11)The purpose of this paper is to explore the ways in which “race” or ethnicity has been, and can be, represented in Canada and to make a number of other observations that challenge the “Central/Eastern” representation of ... -
Causes of Banking Crises: Deregulation, Credit Booms and Asset Bubbles, Then and Now
(2014-02-06)We examine similarities in the run-up to banking crises using two essential criteria for their predictability: i) the percentage of a specified number of years prior to a crisis correctly called; and ii) the percentage of ... -
Never too Old for Hope: A Group Education Initiative in Long-term Care
(2014-02-06)This presentation provides an overview of a project in which an innovative curriculum designed to foster hope and make hope more visible in long-term care was implemented. An outline of the curriculum and its implementation ... -
Accidental Plagiarism in Higher Education, Part II
(2014-02-06)Earlier research found only about half of 423 university psychology students correctly answered four questions involving recognizing plagiarism, and only a minority was able to rephrase a passage without producing plagiarized ... -
An Interactive OER Course Development at Athabasca University based on ODL Principles
(2014-02-06)Failure rates in first year calculus courses are high in most post-secondary institutions across North America and other parts of the world. This Inukshuk-funded open education project involved the development of five ... -
Preparing Learners for Online Doctoral Study: Readiness App
(2014-02-06)The origins of the doctoral degree can be traced back to guilds in the Middle Ages in Europe. There are now a variety of doctoral degrees such as professional, applied, practitioner, and clinical. Completion routes may be ... -
The Accumulation of Capital” – Economic Underpinnings of Rosa Luxemburg’s Democratic Socialism
(2014-02-06)Left critics of the statist policies pursued by social democrats and Soviet communists often drew inspiration from Rosa Luxemburg’s critique of union and party bureaucracies and her uncompromised commitment to the ... -
Reconstructing History in Vassanji's 'The Magic of Saida'
(2014-01-16)M.G. Vassanji's novel, The Magic of Saida (2012) deals with the return journey of Kamal Punja, a Canadian medical doctor searching for his past in Africa. The novel has two narrators: The first is Kamal who recalls the ... -
Equity, Opportunity and Inclusion for all – including those with multiple disabilities
(2014-01-16)The presenter will share many practical ideas for helping people who have both cognitive and severe physical challenges to do more and communicate better than they thought they could. One part of the presentation will be ... -
Working Anytime Anywhere: Mobile Knowledge Workers
(2014-01-16)Recent advances in mobile technologies and the popular use of mobile devices in our daily lives suggest that knowledge worker can now work from anywhere at any time, or while on the move. Is this true? Research suggests ... -
Coping self-efficacy mediates the influence of generalized control beliefs on physical activity behavior and intentions to be active: A population based sample
(2014-01-16)Generalized beliefs about one’s control are thought to affect behaviors and behavioral intentions (BI). We sought to examine how a sense of mastery and constraints contribute to a specific control belief, exercise self-efficacy ... -
Designing a Multiagent System for Course-Offering Determination
(2014-01-16)This paper describes the design of a multiagent system that facilitates course-offering decision making for a program in an institution. We first model course offering determination for upcoming semester as a multi-winner ... -
English Proficiency and Participation in Online Discussion for Learning
(2014-01-16)Does English proficiency affect participation in online discussion? This study polled 14 students from a postgraduate online course that require online discussion. The students are divided into groups according to their ... -
Vorkuta: Three Chapters in the Making of a Working Class
(2014-01-16)In the 1930s, Vorkuta in Siberia emerged as one of the Soviet Union’s principle sources of coal. It was also the principal site of the final horror of Stalin’s extermination of the politicized workers who had raised the ... -
Increase in daily steps after a 6-month lifestyle intervention for adults with type 2 diabetes in primary care: a controlled Trial
(2014-01-16)Background: Healthy eating and active living are cornerstones of diabetes management, yet due to a number of systematic factors, patients in primary care settings don’t often receive adequate support for lifestyle change. ... -
The ‘success’ of formal diversion programs for youth: Understanding why alternatives to court are so popular among youth and law enforcement.
(2014-01-16)The diversion of young people from the traditional court process has been supported for many years. Much of the research on diversion policies and program has focused exclusively on how diversion programs operate, such ... -
Writing for Publication and Nurse Practitioners Readiness for Practice
(2014-01-16)Writing for Publication: Debbie Fraser An integral component of furthering nursing knowledge, scholarly writing is a part of any advanced practice nursing role. Too often however, as busy professionals we find reasons to ... -
Next Stop Recommender
(2014-01-16)User wandering behaviours may involve many location visits in different order. The research team has proposed an algorithm which can provide users recommendation for their next visit according to the behaviour pattern ... -
Development of an Introductory Financial Accounting OER at Athabasca University
(2014-01-16)A project underway at Athabasca University to develop an Introductory Financial Accounting text as an open educational resource will be described. The resource will be used in one of the University’s largest undergraduate ... -
Large Scale Deployment of Tablet Computers in K-12 Schools in Brazil
(2014-01-16)Different sectors of the society of many countries have been demanding for significant improvements in their education systems and teaching and learning practices in recent years (Keller, 2008; Latchem & Hanna, 2001). The ...