Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2008-2009
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Toward New Governance: Interest Groups and NGOs in British Columbia
(2011-06-09)Chapter 10 of the textbook, BC GOvernment and Politics -
Using Online Interactive Tutorials In Teaching Psychology and Neuroscience at a Distance
(2009-02-18)Science educators often struggle with means to effectively present content in order to optimize student understanding of difficult concepts. This holds true for typical classroom-based instruction, but especially so when ... -
“Implement and Deploy Mobile Learning in Open Universities-The Many Promises and Challenges Ahead,” presented at the E-Learn 2008 World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education Conference, November 17-21, 2008, Las Vegas, NV
(2009-01-20)Learn anywhere at anytime! This was once a dream but now the advancement of technology in computing and communication is making it a reality. In this paper, we are going to present frameworks for the implementation and ... -
“NetPICOMAG: a low-cost turn-key magnetometer for aurora detection”
(2009-01-20)AN: SM43A-1686 TI: Solar Wind Influence on the Driven Electrojet System and the Magnetotail AU: * Connors, M EM: AF: Athabasca University Geophysical Observatory, 1 University Drive, Athabasca, ... -
“Minimizing Attrition: Strategies for Assisting Students who are Considering Withdrawal”
(2009-01-12)This presentation focuses on strategies to assist online graduate students who are considering withdrawing from their programs of study. It is based on research on factors influencing students’ decisions to withdraw (Perry ... -
NetPicoMAG: a low-cost fluxgate magnetometer for teaching and research
(2009-01-12)Abstract of paper/presentation: netPicoMAG is a compact, low cost, networked fluxgate magnetometer. It is capable of detecting magnetic field vectors at 1 nanotesla, 1 sample per second resolution, and transmits real-time ... -
Moving Mountains: Post-War Painting and Tourism in Banff National Park, presented at the 10th World Leisure Congress, October 6 - 10, 2008
(2008-12-22)The Banff School of Fine Arts was established in 1933 and for the next several decades offered summer adult education programs in the tradition of rational recreation projects. The role of the Banff School in structuring ... -
Energy, Security and Geopolitics: Could Someone Please Tell Us What We Mean? Co-presented paper (with Jose Marroquin), to the International Association of Energy Economists Asian Regional Conference, Perth, Australia, November 5-7, 2008
(2008-12-17)‘Energy Security’ could be the most oft-used term in our current political-economic lexicon, but it could also be the most poorly defined. Frequently appearing in close company with another notorious vagary – geopolitics ... -
The Redneck Underbelly: The Alberta Advantage and the Cycle of Boom, Bust and Echo! Co-Presented Paper with Gloria Filax at the 6th International Conference on the International Council for Canadian Studies, May 27-29, 2008, Ottawa, ON
(2008-12-16)A proliferation of popular and academic books and articles has appeared over the past few years focused on Alberta. The celebration of Alberta’s centennial as a province within Canada, the current economic boom, and the ... -
E-Tools and Teaching ESL Through Distance Education, paper presentation at the Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Canada 2008 Conference, May 29-31, 2008, Moncton, NB
(2008-12-16)1. Symposium: Technology is becoming increasingly important in all language learning; in distance education, it plays a vital role. Athabasca University staff employ a variety of e-tools to help deliver effective language ... -
Have We Got an Adult Education Model for PLAR? Paper presentation at the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASE) Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 31 - June 3, 2008
(2008-12-16)Introduction and problem Having recently reviewed the edited collection by Per Anderson and Judy Harris Re-theorising the Recognition of Prior Learning (2006, Leicester, UK: NIACE) I was left wondering what specifically ... -
Muskwa-Kechika Artist Camp Collection
(6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI), 2008-08-23)Athabasca University (AU), located in Northern Alberta, Canada, is partnering with Writing on the Ridge (WOTR), an arts organization, to promote wilderness preservation and to raise awareness about one of North America’s ... -
Implications for Professional Practice of Assessing Prior Learning
(2008-06-09)How can we certify career practitioners for practice while at the same time respecting the rich and wide diversity of career-related experience that applicants bring to the certification process? This session starts by ... -
New Linkages: Market Based Domestic Policy Reform and the Triggering of Obligations under International Trade Law
(2008-06-09)The paper argues that the ostensible exemption of domestic social policy fields from the application of international trade agreements actually results in the introduction of two powerful structures potentially constraining ... -
Relationships between Breweries and Retailers in Cameroon
(2008-06-09)The aim of this paper is to examine how the use of various influence strategies affect retailers’ economic and non economic satisfaction in the brewery industry in Cameroon. The Cameroon brewery industry consists of a few ... -
Phone Numbers: In Between Private, Public, Personal, Pedagogical, Political Calls
(2008-06-09)The number and choice of online and distance graduate education programs in Canada is growing. Literature of this emerging field debates the quality of programs and delivery strategies to ensure that students feel connected ... -
Staff Utilization of Explicit Hope Facilitation Strategies in Long Term Care
(2008-06-09)Research offers compelling evidence of the pivotal role that hope plays in health and personal well-being outcomes for individuals who are acutely, chronically or terminally ill. Many individuals who are living in long ... -
Food Adverts on Children's Programs on TV in South Africa
(2008-06-09)Research in the U.S.A. since the early 1990s has shown that adverts that appear on children’s programs on TV are the antithesis of the recommended diet. They are mainly for fast foods and for foods rich in sugar and fat. ... -
Dene Understanding of the Land: On Habitats and Relationships, and Reflections on Change
(2008-05-22)Northern Athapaskan speakers experience shifting ecological conditions over the seasons, and over longer periods of time. People travel, animals travel, caribou migration routes shift. Traditional knowledge of Dene is ...