Academic and Professional Development Fund Report 2009-2010
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Recent Submissions
Domestic Health Policies and International Trade: a Framework for Assessing Trade-Related Legal Risk
(2011-06-09)this was an invited talk delivered at the International Conference on Healthcare and Trade in Rotterdam Netherlands, December 10-11, 2009. -
Deconstructing the Quest for Value: Language Games of Organizational Investment
(2010-04-14)Abstract of the paper For many years practitioners have attempted to define and measure what value project management brings an organization (see for example Kwak & Ibbs, 2000; Cooke-Davies, 2002; Reginato & Ibbs, 2002; ... -
Undergraduate Laboratory Experiments in Sonochemistry using an Ultrasonic Bath
(2010-04-14)Two undergraduate experiments in sonochemistry are presented. The first experiment involves the sonication of aqueous solutions of potassium iodide. Sonication of aqueous media generates hydroxyl radicals, which oxidizes ... -
Calcitonin for Treating Acute and Chronic Pain of Recent and Remote Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis
(2010-04-14)Background: Vertebral collapse is one of the most common fractures associated with osteoporosis. The subsequent back pain may be severe and often requires medications and bed rest to control pain and improve mobilization. ... -
Management & Leadership Training for Law Enforcement
(2010-04-14)A pilot online management and leadership course was delivered to various law enforcement personnel, i.e. police officers, sheriffs, and corrections officers. Prior to the course, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, ... -
Attending workshop “The School for the Work”
(2010-04-14)Most of your Work at the School will consist of going deeper and deeper with the help of the four (self-inquiry) questions…. Another important part of the curriculum consists of exercises [that] are interpersonal; others ... -
Attending SITE Workshop
(2010-04-14)Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) represents individual teacher educators and affiliated organizations of teacher educators in all disciplines, who are interested in the creation and dissemination ... -
American Library Association MidWinter Meeting
(2010-02-24)At ALA’s midwinter meeting I attended a number of discussion groups related to distance learning and information literacy. For example, the instruction section’s discussion group focused on whether librarians should be ... -
Bianca’s in town for a reason: A sex doll goes to church in Lars and the Real Girl”
(2010-02-17)Lars and the Real Girl was first shown at the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2007, where it received positive reviews, and upon larger release, this offbeat independent film – the tale of a shy young man ... -
Recommend touring routes to travelers according to their sequential wandering behaviors.
(2010-01-07)This paper presents a novel solution of route recommendation problem which guides the user through a series of locations. The recommendation is made by matching the user's current route with the set of popular route patterns. ... -
Investigations about the Effects and Effectiveness of Adaptively for Students with Different learning Styles
(2009-11-27)Considering learning styles in technology enhanced learning seems to be a promising concept for making learning easier for students. However, contradictory opinions exist on this issue. In this paper, we aim at investigating ... -
Weaving Digital Pathways with Blogging
(2009-11-26)Blogging allows educators and students to connect in new ways to enhance the learning experience. There are various reasons for including blogging activities including building audience awareness and a sense of community. ... -
IABC Social Media Conference
(2009-11-26) -
Analysis of Additive Binary Valued Cellular Automata Using Roots of Unity
(2009-11-26)This paper considers binary valued additive cellular automata rules acting on cylinders of size n in terms of circulant matrices and roots of unity. The purpose is to illustrate some of the possibilities of such an approach. ... -
From Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse: Easing the Transition
(2009-11-26)Vocationally prepared nurses, most of whom are women, experience unique challenges when they complete a university degree program. And yet, educational research examining how educators and employers can support their ... -
Canadian NP Job Satisfaction” and co-presenting a paper with Dr. C. Park, entitled “NP Students’ Views on the Value of PDAs in Clinical Practice
(2009-11-26)Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the current level of NP job satisfaction and its association with extrinsic and intrinsic job satisfaction characteristics among Canadian primary healthcare NPs. ... -
RNCM-656 Negotiations and Conflict Management
(2009-11-26)In this elective, we will introduce and examine the various conflict management and negotiation strategies and techniques. Participants will be introduced to how the application of creative thinking to conflict situations ... -
Using RSS In Collaborative Course Development
(2009-11-26)RSS (for Really Simply Syndication) is a new technology for syndicating contents on the World Wide Web, whereas collaborative course development in today’s Web-based distance education is to have several professors or ... -
Continuous Response Evaluation of Digital Video Clips over the Internet” and Strategies for Success: Meta-Cognitive Vidcasts for Orientation of Online Learners
(2009-11-26)1. Continuous response evaluation of video and film has been a useful method in media. It has been particularly prevalent in advertising as it allows producers to pinpoint events that evoke particularly strong audience ... -
The Determinants of the Corporate Hedging Decision: An Empirical Analysis
(2009-11-26)This paper is concerned with testing the hypotheses put forth by Smith and Stulz (1985) and Nance, Smith and Smithson (1993) regarding the four reasons for which a firm will hedge. In this paper, we extend the analysis ...