Now showing items 21-40 of 44

    • AFM - Prospectus 

      Connors, Martin (2007-04-18)
      Automated Forward Modelling is explained and examined.
    • Athabasca Winter Workshop Enrollment 

      Connors, Martin (2007-02-28)
      2007 Athabasca Winter Workshop info + form
    • Athabasca University Initiatives Supporting THEMIS 

      Connors, Martin; Hayashi, Kanji; Russell, Christopher T.; Shiokawa, Kazuo; Irwin, Rob; Rostoker, Gordon (2007-02-20)
      Since the installation of a UCLA ‘small’ magnetometer in 1998, Athabasca University has made great strides in installing infrastructure in Canada for space science, culminating with the recent expansion of Athabasca ...
    • Simultaneous ground and satellite observations of an isolated proton arc at subauroral latitudes 

      Sakaguchi, Kaori; Shiokawa, Kazuo; Ieda, Aki; Miyoshi, Y; Otsuka, Y; Ogawa, T; Connors, Martin; Donovan, Eric F.; Rich, F. J. (Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007)
      We observed an isolated proton arc at the Athabasca station MLAT: 62◦N) in Canada on 5 September, 2005, using a ground-based allsky imager at wavelengths of 557.7 nm, 630.0 nm, and 486.1 nm (Hβ). This arc is similar to ...
    • Cross Meridian Currents in Storms and Sawtooth Events 

      Connors, Martin (2006-11-17)
      Automated Forward Modeling (AFM) is an inversion technique based on magnetic data alone, which can indicate physical parameters associated with electrojets and field-aligned currents. From perturbations along a meridian, ...
    • An Online Mechanics Experiment 

      Connors, Martin; Bredeson, Christy (2006-09-30)
      Physics distance education has grown rapidly in recent years. The theory part of a physics course taught in this way has much common ground with other courses. However, lab instruction is an important part of introductory ...
    • Inner solar system dynamical analogs for plutinos 

      Connors, Martin; Stacey, R. Greg; Brasser, Ramon; Wiegert, Paul (2006-08-18)
      By studying orbits of near-Earth asteroids potentially in 2:3 mean motion resonance with Earth, Venus, and Mars, we have found plutino analogs. We identify 23 objects in the inner solar system dynamically protected from ...
    • A Centenary Survey of Orbits of Co-Orbitals of Jupiter 

      Connors, Martin; Stacey, R. Greg (2006-08-10)
      Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids fulfill the prediction of Lagrange that orbits can be stable when a small body orbits in specific locations relative to its ‘parent’ planet and the Sun. The first such Trojan asteroid was discovered ...
    • Noctilucent Cloud Videos, Jun 23 2006 

      Shelton, Ian; Dalin, Peter; Connors, Martin; Zalcik, Mark (2006-07-23)
      Videos of noctilucent clouds (NLC) seen from Athabasca University Geophysical Observatory on June 23 2006. NLC are mesospheric clouds which are very high and lit up by the sun despite it being well below the horizon at the ...
    • DE Pictures 

      McMullin, Blaise (2006-07-10)
      Photos of remote labs and DE student.
    • Physical Parameters of Substorms from Automated Forward Modeling 

      Connors, Martin; Ponto, Jason; McPherron, Robert L. (2006-07-08)
      AFM technique applied to give average parameters of substorms and relation to AL index, Weimer parametrization, optical data
    • linfit code 

      Connors, Martin (2006-07-05)
      Linear fit to an arbitrarily long 2-column dataset.
    • A Survey of Orbits of Co-orbitals of Jupiter 

      Stacey, R. Greg; Connors, Martin; Brasser, Ramon (2006-06-29)
      Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids fulfill the prediction of Lagrange that orbits can be stable when a small body orbits in specific locations relative to its ‘parent’ planet and the Sun. The first such Trojan asteroid was discovered ...
    • CASCA 2006 Calgary AU Attendees 

      Connors, Martin (2006-06-16)
      Photos showing AU attendees at CASCA 2006, held in Calgary in early June 2006.
    • CASCA Main Presentation 2006 

      Connors, Martin; Veillet, Christian; Stacey, R. Greg; Brasser, Ramon; Wiegert, Paul; Innanen, Kimmo A. (2006-06)
      Presentation about stability of quasi-satellites, no movies.
    • Co-orbitals CASCA Talk 

      Connors, Martin; Veillet, Christian; Stacey, R. Greg; Brasser, Ramon; Wiegert, Paul; Innanen, Kimmo A. (2006-06)
      Presentation from CASCA 2006 covering general aspects of co-orbital motion with emphasis on the fact that they would be good targets for space missions.
    • Data Preparation 

      Connors, Martin (1998)
      Aspects of space physics data available and how to prepare it for treatment in analysis.
    • Physical Processes 

      Connors, Martin (1998)
      Physical processes in near-Earth space with attention to ground and satellite magnetic fields.
    • Introduction 

      Connors, Martin (1998)
      Introduction on solar-terrestrial interaction.
    • A Survey of Orbits of Co-Orbitals of Jupiter (Poster) 

      Stacey, R. Greg; Connors, Martin; Brasser, Ramon (2006-05-25)
      Co- Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids fulfill the prediction of Lagrange that orbits can be stable when a small body orbits in specific locations relative to its ‘parent’ planet and the Sun. The first such Trojan was discovered ...

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