Centre for Science
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Dr. Robert G. Holmberg
Professor Emeritus, Biology
Collections in this community
Dr. David Locky
Former Adjunct Professor, Former Director Athabasca River Basin Research Institute -
Dr. Dietmar Kennepohl
Professor, Chemistry -
Dr. Martin Connors
Professor, Space Science/Physics -
Dr. Norman Temple
Professor, Nutrition -
Dr. Roland Treu
Associate Professor, Biology
Recent Submissions
(2020-03-02)data from Puvurnituq (PUVR) Feb 2 2017 in local magnetic coordinates -
Using home-laboratory kits to teach general chemistry
(Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 2007)University-level chemistry courses that contain a substantial laboratory component have always been a challenge to deliver effectively through distance education. One potential solution is to enable students to carry out ... -
The Science Gap in Canada: A Post-Secondary Perspective
(Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 2009-04-04)Despite having its students score among the top in the world in mathematics and science, the level of science literacy and participation in science-related fields in Canada is relatively low. In the context of the economic ... -
Student and Faculty Outcomes of Undergraduate Science Research Projects by Geographically Dispersed Students
(International Review of Research in Open and Distance Education, 2013-12)Senior undergraduate research projects are important components of most undergraduate science degrees. The delivery of such projects in a distance education format is challenging. Athabasca University (AU) science project ... -
Western Boreal Wetlands and Orchids
(2010-06-14)Wetlands are a dominant component of the western boreal region of Canada. They are comprised primarily of peatlands, wetlands with organic soils. Peatlands vary from acidic bogs to calcareous fens and offer a rich array ... -
Western Boreal Wetlands and Orchids
(2010-06-14)Wetlands are a dominant component of the western boreal region of Canada. They are comprised primarily of peatlands, wetlands with organic soils. Peatlands vary from acidic bogs to calcareous fens and offer a rich array ... -
Early stand-level assessment of forest harvesting in western boreal peatlands
(Sustainable Forest Management Network, Networks of Centres of Excellence, 2010-02)Highlights • In Canada’s boreal region, wooded peatlands comprised of bogs, fens, and conifer swamps make up a significant component of the forest land base and many have marketable-size trees. • In parts of eastern ... -
Boreal peatlands and plant diversity: what’s there and why it matters
(Sustainable Forest Management Network, Networks of Centres of Excellence, 2010-02)Highlights • In the boreal region, knowledge of plant species diversity (richness and rarity) is low compared with other taxa such as birds and mammals. This is particularly true of peatlands, which have a ... -
Plant Communities and Diversity in Boreal Wooded Fens: An Ecoregional Perspective
(2009-07-06)Ecoregions are increasingly being used as a framework for conservation planning. The Mid-Boreal Uplands Ecoregion stretches across western Canada from Manitoba to British Columbia. Within this Ecoregion (Manitoba to Alberta), ... -
Using home-laboratory kits to teach general chemistry
(Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 2007-06-08)University-level chemistry courses that contain a substantial laboratory component have always been a challenge to deliver effectively through distance education. One potential solution is to enable students to carry out ... -
Going the distance in Canada
(Education in Chemistry, 1998-01-01) -
A One-meter Robotic Telescope for Western Canada
(2008-10-11)1-m class telescopes are arguably the workhorses of modern astronomy and represent an excellent return of science for a relatively modest capital investment. Such instruments can be used in large-field survey work, ... -
Remote Access to Instrumental Analysis for Distance Education in Science
(International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 2005-11-01)Remote access to experiments offers distance educators another tool to integrate a strong laboratory component within a science course. Since virtually all modern chemical instrumental analysis in industry now use devices ... -
Synthesis and structure of [[Cu2(6,6’-bis(2-(2pyridyl)ethylminomethyl)-2,2’-bipyridine)2][PF6]2
(Acta Crystallographica Section E, Crystal Structure Communications, 2006-10-12)In the structure of the title compound, [Cu2(C26H24N6)2]- (PF6)2, the Cu atoms of the cation are located on a twofold axis, and adopt a distorted tetrahedral coordination geometry. The terminal 2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl groups ...