Now showing items 28-44 of 44

    • A One-meter Robotic Telescope for Western Canada 

      Martin, Brian; Connors, Martin (2008-10-11)
      1-m class telescopes are arguably the workhorses of modern astronomy and represent an excellent return of science for a relatively modest capital investment. Such instruments can be used in large-field survey work, ...
    • An Online Mechanics Experiment 

      Connors, Martin; Bredeson, Christy (2006-09-30)
      Physics distance education has grown rapidly in recent years. The theory part of a physics course taught in this way has much common ground with other courses. However, lab instruction is an important part of introductory ...
    • Onsets and Flapping Studied Using a Dynamic Harris Sheet Model 

      Connors, Martin; Lerner, Rob; Gaugey, Geraldine; Lavraud, Benoit; Volwerk, Martin; McPherron, Robert L. (2007-10-31)
      We have developed a nonlinear fitting routine for the Harris current sheet based on magnetic data, and applied it to 71 plasma sheet crossings by Cluster. In most cases this simple fit appeared to represent the magnetic ...
    • Optimization of Models 

      Connors, Martin (University of Alberta, 1998)
      The parameters of model auroral current systems were described in the previous chapter. To model the currents at any given time, these parameters must be adjusted to provide an optimal match to the available observations. ...
    • Physical Parameters of Substorms from Automated Forward Modeling 

      Connors, Martin; Ponto, Jason; McPherron, Robert L. (2006-07-08)
      AFM technique applied to give average parameters of substorms and relation to AL index, Weimer parametrization, optical data
    • Physical Processes 

      Connors, Martin (1998)
      Physical processes in near-Earth space with attention to ground and satellite magnetic fields.
    • DE Pictures 

      McMullin, Blaise (2006-07-10)
      Photos of remote labs and DE student.
    • Progress on Low-Cost Pulse-Counting Magnetometers for Geomagnetic Studies 

      Connors, Martin (2007-11-28)
      "what the world needs now is a good $500 magnetometer"
    • Simultaneous ground and satellite observations of an isolated proton arc at subauroral latitudes 

      Sakaguchi, Kaori; Shiokawa, Kazuo; Ieda, Aki; Miyoshi, Y; Otsuka, Y; Ogawa, T; Connors, Martin; Donovan, Eric F.; Rich, F. J. (Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007)
      We observed an isolated proton arc at the Athabasca station MLAT: 62◦N) in Canada on 5 September, 2005, using a ground-based allsky imager at wavelengths of 557.7 nm, 630.0 nm, and 486.1 nm (Hβ). This arc is similar to ...
    • Space Physics: Aurora Borealis 

      Jaugey, Geraldine (2007-08-13)
      Cluster data was used to examine the magnetospheric boundary and more particularly the tail. Harris sheet fits were done in a dynamic fashion that allows flapping to be quantified.
    • STEP Forward 2007-2007 Space Science Enhancement Proposal to CSA 

      Connors, Martin (2006-05-19)
      The most effective way to exploit Canada’s ideal position for auroral zone science is to emplace instruments with sufficient density for meaningful studies. Magnetometers are useful instruments for this since their cost ...
    • A Survey of Orbits of Co-orbitals of Jupiter 

      Stacey, R. Greg; Connors, Martin; Brasser, Ramon (2006-06-29)
      Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids fulfill the prediction of Lagrange that orbits can be stable when a small body orbits in specific locations relative to its ‘parent’ planet and the Sun. The first such Trojan asteroid was discovered ...
    • A Survey of Orbits of Co-Orbitals of Jupiter (Poster) 

      Stacey, R. Greg; Connors, Martin; Brasser, Ramon (2006-05-25)
      Co- Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids fulfill the prediction of Lagrange that orbits can be stable when a small body orbits in specific locations relative to its ‘parent’ planet and the Sun. The first such Trojan was discovered ...
    • Tenerife Presentation 

      Connors, Martin (2008-03-03)
      Workshop material about THEMIS
    • Tilly THD and Current 

      Connors, Martin; Guiilon, Sebastien (2020)
      Data from TIL
    • Time Evolution of the Substorm Current Wedge from Ground and Space-based Magnetic Fields 

      Connors, Martin; Russell, Christopher T.; Donovan, Eric F.; Angelopoulos, Vassilis; Mende, Stephen B.; Glassmeier, Karl-Heinz; Hayashi, Kanji; Spanswick, Emma; McFadden, James (2007-10-05)
      Over the past several years, intensive efforts have resulted in a significant improvement in the ground instrumentation for auroral studies in North America. A major part of this is due to the THEMIS ground program, both ...
    • Time Evolution of the Substorm Current Wedge from Ground and Space-based Magnetic Fields 

      Connors, Martin; Russell, Christopher T.; Donovan, Eric F.; Angelopoulos, Vassilis; Voronkov, Igor; Mende, Stephen B.; Glassmeier, Karl-Heinz; Hayashi, Kanji; Spanswick, Emma; McFadden, James (2007-12-19)
      Over the past several years, intensive efforts have resulted in a significant improvement in the ground instrumentation for auroral studies in North America. A major part of this is due to the THEMIS ground program, both ...

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