Now showing items 81-100 of 110

    • Case Study: eduSource and the Athabasca University Digital Library Project 

      McGreal, Rory; Anderson, Terry; Hubrick, Chris; Lin, Fuhua (Oscar); Sosteric, Michael; Tin, Tony; Yasynska, Oksana (E-Learning Network News, 2005)
    • Adoption and Use of a Computer-Mediated Communication System by Contact North Site Coordinators 

      Sweet, Robert; Anderson, Terry; Halenda, Martha (Journal of Distance Education, 1991)
      This paper describes some of the factors underlying successful use of the CoSy computer-mediated communication system in the Ontario Govern-ment's Contact North/Contact Nord Distance Education Project by 11 women who, in ...
    • Edusource: Canada's Learning Object Repository Network 

      McGreal, Rory; Anderson, Terry; Babin, Gilbert; Downes, Stephen; Friesen, Norman; Harrigan, Kevin; Hatala, Marek; MacLeod, Doug; Mattson, Mike; Paquette, Gilbert; Richards, Griff; Roberts, Toni; Schafer, Steve (International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2004)
      An alliance of Canadian Universities and government agencies pooled their resources to establish a network to share and combine Learning Objects from a variety of sources and further develop this technology. In the process, ...
    • Design Patterns for Complex Learning 

      Rohse, Shanta; Anderson, Terry (Journal of Learning Design, 2006)
      A complex view of learning recognises that learning cannot be pre-determined by teaching, but is as much defined by circumstances and context as pre-defined learning objectives. Learning designs that accept uncertainty ...
    • Why Do Teachers Get To Learn The Most? 

      Anderson, Terry; Wark, Norine (e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology,, 2004)
      A common report from anecdotal writing over many generations of educators is that it is the teacher who usually learns the most during the process of gathering content materials, designing, teaching and evaluating student ...
    • Validity Issues In Quantitative Computer Conference Transcript Analysis 

      Anderson, Terry; Rourke, Liam (Educational Technology Research and Development, 2004)
      Over the past 15 years, educational technologists have been dabbling with a research technique known as quantitative content analysis (QCA). Although it is characterized as a systematic and objective procedure for describing ...
    • Assessing Social Presence In Asynchronous Text-based Computer Conferencing 

      Rourke, Liam; Anderson, Terry; Garrison, D. Randy; Archer, Walter (Journal of Distance Education, 1999)
      Instructional media such as computer conferencing engender high levels of student-student and student-teacher interaction; affectively into a community of inquiry. A template for assessing social presence in computer ...
    • Using Web-Based, Group Communication Systems to Support Case Study Learning at a Distance 

      Anderson, Terry; Rourke, Liam (International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 2002-10)
      This study explored the capacity of Web-based, group communication systems to support case-based teaching and learning. Eleven graduate students studying at a distance were divided into three groups to collaborate on a ...
    • Using Peer Teams to Lead Online Discussions 

      Anderson, Terry; Rourke, Liam (Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2002-03-14)
      This study investigated an online course in which groups of four students were used to lead online discussions. The teams were examined for their ability to bring instructional design, discourse facilitation, and direct ...
    • Poučavanje u kontekstu online 

      Anderson, Terry (EduPoint, 2006-09)
      U ovom ćemo se tekstu usredotočiti na ulogu nastavnika ili tutora u kontekstu online učenja. Koristit ćemo teoretski model koji su razvili Garrison, Anderson i Archer (2000.) prema kojemu stvaranje učinkovite online ...
    • Using Constructivism in Technology-Mediated Learning: Constructing Order out of the Chaos in the Literature 

      Anderson, Terry; Kanuka, Heather (Radical Pedagogy, 1999)
      There are a variety of epistemological positions underlying constructivism learning theory in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to identify and categorize the positions of constructivism learning theories, ...
    • The Virtual Conference: Extending Professional Education in Cyberspace 

      Anderson, Terry (International Jl. of Educational Telecommunications, 1996)
      This paper describes the use of Internet based tools to support professional interaction and education in a format known as the virtual conference. The paper discusses characteristics of the virtual conference and ...
    • The Search For Learning Community In Learner Paced Distance Education: Or, 'having Your Cake And Eating It, Too!' 

      Anderson, Terry; Annand, David; Wark, Norine (Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2005)
      University distance and e-learning programs generally follow one of two models. Most dual mode institutions and some open universities follow a model of cohort learning. Students start and terminate each course at the ...
    • Assessing Teaching Presence in a Computer Conferencing Context 

      Anderson, Terry; Liam, Rourke; Garrison, D. Randy; Archer, Walter (Journal of the Asynchronous Learning Network, 2001)
      This paper presents a tool developed for the purpose of assessing teaching presence in online courses that make use of computer conferencing, and preliminary results from the use of this tool. The method of analysis is ...
    • The Educational Semantic Web: Visioning and Practicing the Future of Education 

      Anderson, Terry; Whitelock, Denise (Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004-05-21)
    • The Athabasca University edusource Project: Building An Accessible Learning Object Repository 

      Anderson, Terry; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; McGreal, Rory; Friesen, Norman; Ally, Mohamed; Graham, Rodger; Tin, Tony; Moisey, Susan D.; Petrinjak, Anita; Schafer, Steve (Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2005)
      Athabasca University - Canada's Open University (AU) made the commitment to put all of its courses online as part of its Strategic University Plan. In pursuit of this goal, AU participated in the eduSource project, a ...
    • Telelearning Research and the TeleLearning-Network of Centres of Excellence 

      Anderson, Terry (Journal of Distance Education, 2002)
      This article provides a personal perspective on funding and organizational issues related to e-learning, distance education, and other distributed forms of educational technology research. It examines the largest single ...
    • Exploring Principals' Perceptions of Applications, Benefits, and Barriers of Alberta's Supernet 

      Anderson, Terry; Christiansen, Jo-An S. (International Electronic Journal For Leadership In Learning, 2007)
      The Alberta SuperNet, a very high speed, broadband network, was built to bring highspeed connectivity to every school, library, and municipal office in Alberta. This CDN $294 million dollar investment was made based on ...
    • Perceptions on the Ground: Principals’ Perception of Government Interventions in High-Speed Educational Networking 

      Anderson, Terry; Christiansen, Jo-An S. (Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education, 2006)
      The Alberta SuperNet was built to bring broadband connectivity to every school, hospital, library and provincial government office in Alberta (a large province in Canada with an area of 255,285 square miles). The supposed ...
    • Perceptions Of An Impending High Speed, Broadband Network: Anticipation And Anxiety Among K-12 Teachers, Technical Support Personnel, And Administrators 

      Anderson, Terry; Poscente, Krista; Rourke, Liam (Journal of Applied Educational Technology, 2006)
      The purpose of this study was to solicit educators’ perceptions of a high speed, broadband network being built in the Canadian province of Alberta, the Alberta SuperNet. We interviewed eight administrators, teachers, and ...

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