Dr. Terry Anderson
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As a Canadian Research Chair Dr.Terry Anderson, is involved as Principle Researcher in a variety of research and development initiatives including:
Editor of International Review of Research in Distance Education
EduSource Pan Canadian Network of Learning Object Repositories
Campus Alberta Repository of Education Objects (CAREO),
Alberta Supernet Research Network.
He teaches and advises students in the world's largest Masters of Distance Education program at Athabasca University.
He also serves on advisory committees with the Alberta and Canadian Governments, and serve on editorial boards of the following Journals:
Journal of Distance Education
Internet in Higher Education
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
Canadian Journal of Educational Communication
Journal of Interactive Media in Education
Terry Anderson's Home page
Recent Submissions
Interaction pattern analysis in cMOOCs based on the connectivist interaction and engagement framework
(British Journal of Educational Technology, 2017-01)Connectivist learning is interaction-centered learning. A framework describing interaction and cognitive engagement in connectivist learning was constructed using logical reasoning techniques. The framework and analysis ... -
The Future of E-Learning
(2016-06-23)This is not the first attempt to predict the future of e-learning and our first confident prediction is that it will not be the last. Our intent in this chapter is to focus less on the digital technologies involved and ... -
Lost in social space: Information retrieval issues in Web 1.5
(Journal of Digital Information, 2009-01)This paper is concerned with the application of Web 2.0 technologies within a conventional institutional learning setting. After considering the affordances of Web 2.0 technologies vs Web 1.0 technologies and a framework ... -
Invited Commentary on Reusing Online Resources, Chapter 19: Reuse of Resources within Communities of Practice, by Rachel Harris and Carol Higgison.
(Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2003)The Online Tutoring Skills (OtiS) e-workshop described in this chapter makes a significant contribution to knowledge of how to effectively design and manage virtual conferences or e-workshops. In addition they provide a ... -
Invited Commentary on Reusing Online Resources, Chapter 17: A Comparison of Issues in Reuse of Resources in Schools and Colleges, by Allison Littlejohn, Insung Jung and Liz Broumley.
(Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2003)This chapter forces us to confront an issue that has long haunted education technology focused reformers ? what if we build it and nobody comes? Will learning objects end up alongside programmed learning machines, educational ... -
Book Review of Delivering Digitally by Inglis, Ling and Joosten
(IRRODL, 2002-10)We know that significant organizational change must have roots both at the top of an organization and “in the trenches” amongst those who must implement the change. In the middle lies a critical group of middle managers, ... -
Conference Connections: Rewiring the Circuit.
(EDUCAUSE Review, 2008-03)In late 1971, several entirely forgettable messages were sent between two machines (today we would call them computers, but the word machines more accurately reflects their size at that time) located only a few feet from ... -
Ethical Issues in Qualitative E-Learning Research
(International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2007-06)In the mid 1980s education researchers began exploring the use of the Internet within teaching and learning practices, now commonly referred to as e-learning. At the same time, many e-learning researchers were discovering that ... -
Is Videoconferencing the Killer App1 for K-12 Distance Education?
(Journal of Distance Education, 2008)This paper overviews a multi-mode research study of Internet Protocol (IP) videoconferencing applications in five early adopter school divisions in Alberta, an oil-rich province located in Western Canada. The applications ... -
A Rose by Any Other Name: Still Distance Education
(Journal of Distance Education, 2009)Randy Garrison is a long-time teacher, collaborator, supervisor and friend of mine. Thus, I approach my critique of his recent article in the Journal of Distance Education (Garrison, 2009) with some considerable unease. ... -
Online professional development conferences: An effective, economical and eco-friendly option
(Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 2009)In order to stay current within their field, many professionals regularly attend conferences and training events in distant locales. Travel to these conferences costs professionals, and their sponsor organizations, both ... -
Empirical Research on Learners' Perceptions: Interaction Equivalency Theorem in Blended Learning
(European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 2010-04-27)This paper reports on an empirical research on the Interaction Equivalency Theorem posited by Anderson (2003a), consisting of the three elements of teacher-student-content interaction. Using an authordeveloped survey, ... -
Student Perceptions of Teaching Presence, Social Presence, and Cognitive Presence in a Virtual World
(Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 2011-09)Presence - or having a sense of active participation - in distance education has increased with the expanding use of and affordances of communications technologies. Virtual worlds have been on the forefront of popular ... -
Open Access Scholarly Publications as OER
(IRRODL, 2013-06)This paper presents the rationale, common practices, challenges, and some personal anecdotes from a journal editor on the production, use, and re-use of peer-reviewed scholarly articles as open educational resources (OER). ... -
Deciding what kind of course to take: Factors that influence modality selection in accounting continuing professional development
(Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 2013-06)This study used a cross sectional sample created by self-selection from a researchers' email invitation to accountants in Canada to determine which modalities accountants preferred when selecting Continuing Professional ... -
Interaction Equivalency in an OER, MOOCS and Informal Learning Era
(Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2013-09)This theoretical paper attempts to clarify design issues that the field of education has encountered in the context of OER (Open Educational Resources), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and increased emphasis on informal ... -
Using a Design-Based Research Study to Identify Principles for Training Instructors to Teach Online
(IRRODL, 2013)Within the overall framework of design-based research, this paper reports on a study that focused on evaluating an online training course for online instructors. This intervention was designed as a possible solution to the ... -
Agoraphobia and the modern learner.
(Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2014-03)Read/write social technologies enable rich pedagogies that centre on sharing and constructing content but have two notable weaknesses. Firstly, beyond the safe, nurturing environment of closed groups, students participating ... -
A Framework for Interaction and Cognitive Engagement in Connectivist Learning Contexts
(IRRODL, 2014-04)Interaction has always been highly valued in education, especially in distance education (Moore, 1989; Anderson, 2003; Chen, 2004a; Woo & Reeves, 2007; Wang, 2013; Conrad, in press). It has been associated with motivation ... -
On the Design of Social Media for Learning
(social sciences, 2014-08-08)This paper presents two conceptual models that we have developed for understanding ways that social media can support learning. One model relates to the “social” aspect of social media, describing the different ways that ...