High fat and nutrient depleted diets and the metabolic profile of feces and colon mucosa of mice.
Swiss and C57BL/1 mice were fed one of the folio wing diets: commercial laboratory
chow (5.5 percent fat) or chow with added starch and/or corn oil so as 10 supply
a fat level of 5.5 or 23 percent, while reducing the level of nutrients and dietary fiber
per 100 calories to 61 percent of the level found in standard chow. Both nutrient
depleted diets increased fecal pH whereas the level of dietary fat had no independent
effect. In Swiss mice fed the above diet for 6.5 months, enzyme analyses revealed
the following: (1) in colon mucosal samples there was no diet-induced change in the
level of ouabain-insensitive ATPase, {3-glucuronidase, phosphodiesterase I (PDI), or
5 '-nucleotidase; (2) the non-specific esterase level in males was increased by a nutrient
depleted diet; and (3) in females, a nutrient depleted diet reduced the fecal level of
{3-glucuronidase, (3-glucosidase and non-specific reducing activity.