Critical thinking in distance education: Developing critical communities in an audio teleconference context
Distance education has long been associated with independent study and delivery of prepackaged
learning materials. These characteristics effectively deny distance education students the
opportunity to participate in communities of inquiry and, perhaps, opportunities to develop their critical
thinking slulls. This paper reviews the theoretical impact of socially situated learning, critical thinking
and their implications for distance education. It then presents the results from a study of learners'
perceptions while enrolled in two different models of audio teleconferenced delivered, university
courses. The study reports quantitative results from a mail survey of these students and the qualitative
results from interviews and classroom observations. The impact of the insrmctional design used by the
delivering institution resulted in two distinct models of audio teleconference delivery with significant
qualitative and quantitative differences in student perception. The paper concludes that learning
communities, which support the development of critical thinlang skills, can be created at a distance and
that they provide a mechanism for improving the quality of higher level distance education.