Now showing items 281-299 of 299

    • Apprendre sur le Web 

      McGreal, Rory; Elliott, Michael (Le CRDP de l'académie de Grenoble, 2000)
      Plusieurs enseignants apprennent à utiliser l'ordinateur en salle de classe. Certains se tournent même vers Internet et commencent à percevoir son potentiel pour actualiser de nouvelles méthodes pédagogiques, d'où ...
    • A primer on metadata for learning objects: Fostering an interoperable environment 

      McGreal, Rory; Roberts, Toni (Elearning Magazine, 2001)
      As course developers gain experience and as the number of online courses grows, the importance and necessity of metadata standards becomes more apparent. The cost of developing interactive multimedia lessons is prohibitive. ...
    • Téléapprentissage et mondialisation de l'enseignement [English translation] 

      McGreal, Rory (Éducation, 2002-12)
      As the new advanced training technology sector of the economy grows as a global enterprise, distance from markets is no longer a factor, particularly in the design and delivery of online courses. Small remote areas can ...
    • eduSource: Creating learning object repositories in Canada 

      McGreal, Rory; Richards, Griff; Friesen, Norman; Paquette, Gilbert; Downes, Stephen (IEEE Learning Technology Task Force (LTTF) Newsletter, 2003-01)
      EduSource is a comprehensive project that ties together various work packages and creates synergies between its partners and associates. All of the partners are Canadian organizations and meaningful work will be carried ...
    • Technologies of online learning (elearning) 

      McGreal, Rory; Elliott, Michael (Athabasca University, 2004)
      This chapter includes an examination of some of the most exciting technologies and features used in online instruction today, and those we may use tomorrow. Education is one of the fastestgrowing economic and social sectors ...
    • Learning objects: A practical definition 

      McGreal, Rory (International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2004-09-04)
      The author proposes that a good working definition of LOs should be used: digital objects that have a stated educational purpose; and digital objects that are marked for specific educational purposes. LOs can be defined ...
    • The New Brunswick net: The 21st century now 

      McGreal, Rory (InterPersonal Computing and Technology Journal, 1994)
      A manifesto for online learning in New Brunswick
    • Comparison of the attitudes of learners taking audiographic teleconferencing courses in secondary schools in Northern Ontario 

      McGreal, Rory (InterPersonal Computing and Technology Journal, 1994)
      A comparison of attitudes between different distance learning and on site students shown no significant difference.
    • Or even worse: Rory`s list of a dozen things that can go wrong in a World Wide Web course 

      McGreal, Rory (ELearn Magazine, 2005-04)
      A list of problems encountered in delivering courses on the World Wide Web
    • Stealing the goose: Copyright and learning 

      McGreal, Rory (International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 2004-11)
      The internet is the world’s largest knowledge common and the information source of first resort. Much of this information is open and freely available. However there are organizations and companies today that are trying ...
    • Preface to Online Education Using Learning Objects 

      McGreal, Rory (Routledge/Falmer, 2004)
      This is the preface to an edited book on learning objects. A practical definition of learning object is proposed. They can be defined as any reusable digital resource that is encapsulated in a lesson or assemblage of lessons ...
    • Copyright wars and learning objects 

      McGreal, Rory (International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 2005-08)
      Learning object developers need to understand that presently there are powerful organizations of “intellectual property” owners, and vendors of music, videos, books and software that are making a concerted attack on ...
    • Ten reasons for not doing web-based instruction (and ten responses) 

      McGreal, Rory (Distance Education Report, 1998)
      Ten reasons for not doing web-based instruction
    • An intelligent agent for adapting and delivering electronic course materials to mobile learners 

      Ally, Mohamed; Lin, Fuhua (Oscar); McGreal, Rory; Woo, Brian; Li, Qin (mLearn 2005, 2005-10)
      The concept of mobile learning is often defined as learning that takes place with the help of mobile devices to access course materials; however, these devices operate in different ways and have different capabilities. ...
    • Mobile devices and the future of free education 

      McGreal, Rory (International Council for Distance Education, 2005-11)
      The major technological trends supporting the view that "equal" or "free" education is becoming possible are those involving the new mobile devices: digital divergence - the growth in popularity of dedicated wireless devices ...
    • The Athabasca University Digital Reading Room: Library resources for mobile students 

      McGreal, Rory; Tin, Tony; Cheung, Billy; Schafer, Steve (IADIS, 2005-06)
      This project has been designed to test the boundaries of Mlearning and to begin to build a platform for AU to raise an effective m-library. Building on the research conducted in Canada and abroad, the researchers are ...
    • Development principles for online courses: A baker's dozen 

      McGreal, Rory (ELearn Magazine, 2005-11-29)
      Course development on the World Wide Web is becoming more sophisticated as instructors and course specialists become more familiar with the environment. Most course development principles for online courses have been ...
    • eduSource Canada: learning object repositories & m-learning 

      McGreal, Rory (mLearn 2004, 2004-07)
      This presentation will explain the concept of learning objects and metadata and introduce the eduSource suite of tools, applicable for mobile learning. Learning objects are enabled and made interoperable using mobile and ...
    • Implementing Mobile Environments using Learning Objects: The Athabasca University Digital Reading Room 

      McGreal, Rory; Tin, Tony; Cheung, Billy; Schafer, Steve (2005)
      This investigation determined some of the better strategies for delivering educational resources to mobile devices from the Digital Reading Room (DRR) and the Athabasca University(AU) library catalogue using AirPac, making ...

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