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dc.contributor.authorSchafer, Steve
dc.contributor.authorTin, Tony
dc.contributor.authorElliott, Colin
dc.description.abstractDigital library services delivered through mobile devices can offer flexibility in terms of access and content, increased hands-on experience, and enhanced information and mobile literacy skills of learners. Athabasca University (AU) library is pioneering the development of a mobile- friendly digital library (M-library) including the mobile-friendly Digital Reading Room (DRR), Digital Thesis and Project Room (DTPR), Digital Reference Centre (DRC), and AirPAC. The M-library system can auto-detect users’ devices and accommodate both desktop and mobile access to AU library services and resources. This presentation demonstrates the system design, implementation, and evaluation of the M-library system. It provides examples of how AU has applied mobile learning and mobile technology to support and enhance delivery of library services and learning resources, and offers lessons learned to others in the practice. The AU Mobile library project was the recipient of the 2006 Canadian Library Association Library Research and Development Grant for its innovative approach to connecting users and libraries.en
dc.publisherm-Libraries 2009en
dc.subjectdigital libraryen
dc.subjectmobile libraryen
dc.subjectmobile learningen
dc.subjectmobile literacyen
dc.titleMobile library: connecting new generations of learners to the library in the mobile ageen

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