Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Open Educational Resources and Copyright 

      McGreal, Rory (2010-10-21)
      Dr Rory McGreal is the Assoc. Vice President of Research at Athabasca University. He is an expert on copyright law and its application to education and learning resources. He is also the editor of a bestselling book on ...
    • Open Opportunity through Open Scholarship and Open Publication 

      Pannekoek, Frits (2010-10-19)
      Dr Frits Pannekoek is the President of Athabasca University and President of the International Council on Open and Distance Education. He is an advocate for the open distribution of scholarly works and has been the driving ...
    • Using Open Production of Course Content to make a Difference 

      Mackintosh, Wayne (2010-10-19)
      Dr. Wayne Mackintosh is the Director of the International Centre for Open Education based at Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand, member of the Board of Directors of the Open Education Foundation, and founder of the WikiEducator ...

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