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dc.contributor.authorLee, Stella
dc.identifier.otherE-Learning 2007 (UICEL) Conference in Shah Alam, Malaysia, December 12-14, 2007
dc.descriptionIt was a joint presentation on a paper titled “Repurposing Content for Online Learning: A Case Study of the Canadian Open University”. The session was allocated under the Content Implementation and Maintenance stream on Dec 12, 2007 starting at 11 am at the Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia. My co-presenter and I spoke at length about our course development process, instructional design approach and some of challenges and opportunities that presented during this process. We also were able to draw comparison of the online and the print-based methods and identify issues that come with both methods. One follow up discussion was addressed to us regarding the training and preparation work that are required for faculty and staff. A lot of insights were gained by comparing different ways of getting faculty ready for online courses.en
dc.description.abstractFollowing the adoption of new Strategic Plans, Athabasca University has been in the process of transforming its print-based courses to online content delivery for the past five years. This paper aims to report on the recent developments and issues on this transition, specifically, the steps and strategies the Educational Media Development team took to assess existing content and how to repurpose them for e-learning. Strategies such as how to adapt print production to online learning; the integration of various components of course websites; and the move towards integrating content into learning management system such as Moodle. This content development and migration process is particularly complex in the context that is characterized by self-paced, individualized study, continuous enrolment and an asynchronous mode of distance education delivery at the undergraduate level.en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.subjecttransition from print-based courses to online content deliveryen
dc.titleRepurposing Content for Online Learning: A Case Study of the Canadian Open Universityen

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