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dc.contributor.authorCleveland-Innes, Martha
dc.identifier.other13th Annual SLOAN-C International Conference on Online Learning in Orlando, FL, November 7-9, 2007
dc.descriptionThe presentation was made up of a panel of researchers, myself included, offering evaluation and application of the Community of Inquiry model of online learning. The session was very well attended and rousing discussion ensued. Further research will included further consideration of application of the model across populations, the relationship between social and emotional presence and the realization of affective as well as cognitive outcomes.en
dc.description.abstractThe academic and social domains are represented in the online community of inquiry model by three elements called presences: Social, cognitive and teaching presence. To date, much research has been done on this model, yet many questions regarding the complexity of online learning remain. What research has been done to validate this model, and what else do we need to explore the intricacies of the three presences?en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.subjectinquiry modelen
dc.titleBack to the future: What’s Next for the Online Community of Inquiry Model?en

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