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dc.contributor.authorWen, Dunwei
dc.identifier.other2007 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) in Beijing, China, July 1-6, 2007
dc.descriptionSupported by A&PDF, I attended the IEEE ICME07 conference in the International Conference Center, Beijing, from July 2-7, 2008 and presented a co-authored paper in the conference: Th-L9.5 Adaptive Assessment in Web-based Learning Dunwei (Grant) Wen (Athabasca University, CA); Sabine Graf (Vienna University of Technology, AT); Chung Lan (Nanya Institute of Technology, TW); Terry Anderson (Athabasca University, CA); Dr Kinshuk (Athabasca University, CA); Ken Dickson (Athabasca University, CA) I also invited as a chair of a session at the conference: Th-P5 Multimedia Detection, Tracking, and Recognition (Paper #:5) Chair: Dunwei (Grant) Wen, Athabasca University, Canada This conference is one of the most important IEEE conferences in multimedia. It was very successful this time. Many famous researchers from top universities and industry institutes around the world attended and there were intensive technical interaction in multimedia R&D among the attendees. Most of the multimedia applications introduced in this conference are associated with industries such as search, Internet TV, game and so on. Our session is the only one related to multimedia in education. I think there is a lot to do in this field in the future. The proceeding of this conference was published by IEEE Press in CD format (ISBN: 1-4244-10177) and will be collected by IEEE Xplore and EI inspec.en
dc.description.abstractWeb-based assessment is used in different contexts with the aim to support students and help to make learning easier and more effective for them. Typically, the individual characteristics and needs of students are used to personalize and customize existing approaches to assessment. In this paper, we show the potential of adaptive web-based assessment in different learning applications. We introduce adaptive systems in the area of readiness self-assessment, performance self-assessment, and peer assessment. We show how they incorporate individual differences and create adaptive applications.en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.titleAdaptive Assessment in Web-Based Learningen

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