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dc.contributor.authorKariel, Doug
dc.identifier.otherCanadian Library Association Conference in St. John's, NF, May 22-27, 2007
dc.descriptionThe pre-conference session went well. The roundtable information was well received by the participants. There were about 14 people who participated in the roundtable discussion about implementation of Electronic Resource Management systems (ERM). Only 2 people actually had one installed and one other person was assisting the in the implementation process. There were 5 questions asked to focus the discussion as per below. There was good quality discussion in response to all the questions. It was generally felt that Technical Services staff need to be involved from the beginning of the implementation process so that they fully understand what the system is and how it will be used. It will likely be the staff responsible for maintaining the system after it is implemented. I was told by participants after the session that the roundtable discussion answered many questions that they had about the involvement of Technical Services staff when a library decides to implement an ERM system. As well, I found the input helpful for our situation at Athabasca University as we are in the process of implementing this system. As a result of the discussion, I have a much better idea as to how we should manage the implementation of our ERM system and ideas about how to do this effectively. The rest of the conference was very good. I found out good quality information about upcoming changes to cataloguing rules, plans for the Library Book Rate of Canada Post, changes to the Government of Canada depository system, possible implications for libraries relating to copyright, tools that libraries can use such as RSS feeds, IM references, and some personal development concepts such as dealing with change in a rapidly changing work environment. As well, the personal networking opportunities with other delegates as well as vendors was invaluable. I thank the committee very much for providing me with funding to attend this conference. It would have been extremely difficult to attend especially with the location of the conference this year. The support is greatly appreciated.en
dc.description.abstractAU Library is currently implementing ERM as part of our Library system. Attendance and moderating the roundtable will help me know what is going on in other places and enable me to make changes in our system as appropriate. My job at AU encompasses a wide range of areas including: technology in libraries, selecting government documents, providing statistical reference, and all cataloguing and acquisitions functions, in addition to supervising staff. This is the only Canadian conference that covers the breadth of my position. It is very important that I attend and keep up to date with the latest trends in these areas. The library and AU benefits greatly by my keeping up on the latest developments in the library world. The information gained at these conferences enables the library staff to better serve its user community. The networking that is gained during this event is very helpful as I know who to talk to when I have questions that nobody here has the expertise to answer.en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.subjectelectronic resource management systemen

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