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dc.contributor.authorJohnson, Leslie
dc.identifier.otherCanadian Anthropology Society Association (CASA) and the American Ethnological Society (AES) Conference in Toronto, ON, May 8-12, 2007
dc.descriptionMy presentation was well received. Other presenters in the session I presented in were from the University of Alberta, and two universities in Brazil. My presentation complemented others, representing a different facet of visual anhropology. After our session, I attended symposia on a variety of topics and was able to establish connections with other Northern researchers as well as have productive discussions with colleagues about research, and about my book projects. One of the sessions in particular was very relevant to my book project, and I’ve asked the organizer for copies of two very recent papers she has authored. I attended the CASCA women’s network lunch and meeting, and the Annual General Meeting of the society. I also arranged to meet one of my former MAIS students (Zoe Dalton) who completed her masters projects under my supervision; she is now a doctoral student in geography at the U of T. It was a very productive meeting.en
dc.description.abstractRecording of images and words has been integral to the documentation of the knowledge and wisdom of traditional land-based lifeways. Although recording of film images and video has been widely employed in traditional knowledge research, work that questions of how the images are used and “read” is largely lacking. I offer a reflexive examination of my own practice of documentation traditional knowledge of northwestern Canadian First Nations through film and video, and briefly review others’ use of image in recording and reporting traditional knowledge and related areas of culture and language retention.en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.subjecttraditional knowledge researchen
dc.subjectNorthwestern Canadian First Nationsen
dc.titleAn Examination of the Use of Image in Traditional Knowledge Research with Northwestern Canadian First Nations”en

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