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dc.contributor.authorBaig, Veronica
dc.descriptionI gave a PowerPoint presentation of my topic--I had a one-hour time slot. There were approximately 35 people at the session. It seemed to be well received--a number of people cam up to me at the end of the presentation and gave unsolicited thanks and praise. The responses I received indicated that people liked the fact that I had given a “how-to” presentation, and that the information could be used to develop similar activities elsewhere. There seemed to be a need to show people how to use blogging in a language learning/ESL environment. More generally, this presentation and the panel discussion in which I participated as “one of the four Alberta Universities”, both helped me get the message out there that AU does have ESL programming, and that our courses are innovative (more so than many) and on a par as far as general quality is concerned with those offered elsewhere. I was also able to meet with others at the conference who are interested in CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). The positive responses I received (there were no negatives) encourage me to continue with the various blogging activities that I have been attempting to introduce to my courses. While the one type of blogging that I have been doing with students will remain essentially the same, I will continue to explore other types of blogging that could be used to assist students with the language learning/writing aspects of the courses that I coordinate.en
dc.description.abstractBlogging allows educators and students to connect in new ways to enhance the learning experience. There are various reasons for including blogging activities including building audience awareness and a sense of community. In this presentation, instructor and student blogs are featured and also some of the various activities that are conducive to blogging. The specific activities exemplified are ones used in asynchronous delivery at Athabasca University.en
dc.subjectAudience awarenessen
dc.subjectESL programmingen
dc.titleWeaving Digital Pathways with Bloggingen

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