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dc.contributor.authorWang, Hongxue (Harris)
dc.descriptionI attend the conference, chaired one session on August 27, and presented the paper on the 28th. Some good discussions occurred even during the presentation about collaborative course development. Several people were very interested in knowing how to develop online courses collaboratively. At the end of presentation, one person asked if early student involvement in course development has been considered and can be supported by the RSS-based system. I think it is a great idea, and have decided to implement that in future research in the area.en
dc.description.abstractRSS (for Really Simply Syndication) is a new technology for syndicating contents on the World Wide Web, whereas collaborative course development in today’s Web-based distance education is to have several professors or subject matter experts to work together from different locations using the Web to develop different portions of a course collaboratively. In this paper, we will investigate how RSS can be used in collaborative course development for today’s distance education.en
dc.subjectSyndicating contentsen
dc.subjectCourse developmenten
dc.subjectDistance educationen
dc.titleUsing RSS In Collaborative Course Developmenten

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