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dc.contributor.authorKariel, Doug
dc.descriptionThere were 24 people in attendance. We had discussions on 3 topics: 1. Do you use community tagging in your library’s catalogue? If so, what is the role of the Technical Services Unit to monitor the tags that people may include? Should all tags be allowed to stay as long as they are in appropriate good taste? 2. What can be done provide new goals and motivation for long term staff working in Technical Services and in Serials? 3. How can we move to the next generation OPAC and how do we use “Library 2.0” or “Web 2.0” tools in our libraries? Each group of participants at a table discussed all 3 questions over the course of about 2 hours. Highlights from the discussion included: - Community tagging is being made available by some libraries. Most people thought that the Tech Services staff would have the role of monitoring the tags and ensuring that they were in good taste. Most people supported leaving the tags that the user submitted. All agreed that there has to be a mechanism for editing tags and removing inappropriate tags. - With all major changes to the cataloging rules in the near future, people didn’t think that it would be too hard to provide goals for long term staff. Some people mentioned concerns that long time staff would not want to embrace the new rules or that they might see it as a time to retire. Most people thought that staff would be willing to go forward and learn the new processes. - There was some discussion about the value of the “next generation” library catalogue. Most people liked what they have seen or used to date. As some of the catalogues are using new servers to deliver the catalogue, there was concern that the displayed records would be properly updated when cataloguers made a change on the staff side. Some libraries are experimenting with “Library 2.0” tools. Technical Services staff members are involved to more or less extents depending on the library. I found the forum to be very helpful. It was great to find out what others are doing in these areas. We are about to implement a “next generation” catalogue and it does include the opportunity for users to do community tagging. I have several long term staff, so it was great to get ideas about how to continue to motivate them. The library is working with several “Library 2.0” tools and I am assisting with the implementation. The discussion proved to be very applicable to my situation. Session participants stated that they really like the session. For some “it is the best part of the CLA conference”. Many participants told me that they like the format as it provides a great opportunity to address current issues in a collegial atmosphere where they can find out what is being done at other libraries. They enjoy the opportunity to discuss the issues with colleagues from across the country who work in a variety of types of libraries. This is one of the few opportunities that bring together technical services librarians to discuss issues of concern. I was asked to host the Forum in 2010.en
dc.subjectlibrary catelogueen
dc.subjectcommunity taggingen
dc.subjectlibrary 2.0 toolsen
dc.titleSession entitled "Current Issues Forum: Technical Services and Serials Meeting"en

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