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dc.contributor.authorNuttgens, Simon
dc.descriptionMy presentation was well attended and well received. A lively discussion ensued with comments made regarding the “power” of my participants’ stories. A few conference attendees wiped tears from their eyes; such was the profundity of my presentation. One gentleman suggested I might want to further research the impact of residential schools on personal identity among Aboriginal people. A possible collaboration is currently in the making. Another professor asked if she could parts of my PowerPoint for a class she teaches on multiculturalism. I was happy to oblige. Thank you for providing the funding for this excellent conference. In addition to my very positive presentation, I also attended many other fascinating talks.en
dc.description.abstractDespite the significant number of transracial Aboriginal adoptions that haven taken place in Canada, little research is available that addresses the psychological and psychosocial ramifications for the children involved. The scant literature that does exist raises concerns about the psychological impact of this type of adoption. The present research used narrative inquiry to bring greater understanding to the experiences of Aboriginal children raised in nonAboriginal families. The life stories of four Aboriginal adults were gathered through audio-taped interviews. Seven “narrative threads” were found to run across the four participants’ life stories: disconnection, passing, diversion, connection, surpassing, reconnection, and identity coherence.en
dc.subjecttransracial aboriginal adoptionsen
dc.subjectpsychological and psychosocial ramificationsen
dc.subjectnonaboriginal familiesen
dc.subjectnarrative threadsen
dc.titleStories of Aboriginal Children Raised in NonAboriginal Familiesen

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