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dc.contributor.authorChang, Jeff
dc.descriptionAttended by 6 people. Presentation was well-received. The presentation will form the basis for a paper to be submitted to a counselling psychology or school counselling journal. Participants were particularly interested in the application of participatory action research as a mode for dissemination of counselling practice.en
dc.description.abstractThe presenters will describe the development and implementation of a school-based mental health service in three K-9 schools populated by Muslim students. We will highlight the fast-paced, politically sensitive environment in which we operate, the funding environment, and the complexity of dealing with multiple systems. We will then connect features of the project with principles of community development, community psychology, and participatory action research.en
dc.subjectschool-based mental health serviceen
dc.subjectmuslim studentsen
dc.subjectmultiple systemsen
dc.subjectcommunity psychologyen
dc.titlePaper presentation entitled "It Works in Practice, Does it Work in Theory? Development and Implementation of School-Based Mental Health Services with Muslim Clientele."en

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