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dc.contributor.authorHanson, Lorelei L.
dc.descriptionIt was a small but wonderful conference. I chaired a session on environmental issues that attracted a good crowd of about 20 people for the four presenters and resulted in much lively discussion. My session also had four presenters , which made for a very tight timeline, and two of us did more political papers and two had more cultural topics, so there wasn’t a thread that connected us all. Noetheless, there were some great questions directed my way and I was able to meet some very interesting people who do regional work similar to that which Gloria and I have done on Alberta – which this paper focuses on. I will follow up with the few people who I met and have already sent out the paper for informal review to assist me in getting it published.en
dc.description.abstractA proliferation of popular and academic books and articles has appeared over the past few years focused on Alberta. The celebration of Alberta’s centennial as a province within Canada, the current economic boom, and the election of a conservative prime minister whose home base is Alberta, has been the impetus for many to reflect on the transformations within Alberta over the past hundred years, the kind of place Alberta has become, and where it is headed (Collum, 2005; Ford, 2005; Lisac, 2004; Payne, Wetherell & Cavanaugh, 2006; Sharpe, Gibbins, Marsh & Bala Edwards, 2005). While an image of gun toting, truck-driving, Christian, white, male rednecks often inform the popular sense of Albertans, a highly sophisticated, busy workforce drives the province’s rapid economic growth. Human expertise combined with vast reserves of oil and gas that lie within the Athabasca tar sands are responsible for making the province into what some call “Saudi Alberta,” with all the riches and exotic lifestyle that this representation evokes (Nikiforuk, 2006). Alongside this, the province promotes what it calls the Alberta Advantage: Albertans have the highest disposable income, the lowest unemployment rate, the lowest taxes, no provincial debt, an abundance of natural resources and, if this isn’t enough, a beautiful natural environment (Government of Alberta, 2006). Yet, the view that Albertans are white, Christian, rugged individuals concerned only with entrepreneurialism, resource development, and continual growth is only one story among many about Alberta and the people who live there. Many in Alberta resist what they view as excessive resource extraction and a business ethos based on market solutions to everything – economic or otherwise; not everyone in Alberta agrees with what has been called the Alberta Advantage and questions who and what is advantaged (Harrison, 2005; Laxer & Harrison, 1995). This paper will examine the effects of the recent economic boom in Alberta in terms of its impact on the environment and social cohesion. Based on research arising from a larger project which is broadly exploring Alberta culture, in this paper we will examine two specific case studies: the recent proposals to develop a huge electrical transmission line across Alberta to feed American markets, and housing and homelessness in the province. Although these two case studies may at first appear unrelated, we will discuss how many of the same themes/discourses related to Alberta culture, politics and history connect them. Our interest is in speaking to some of the dominant discourses that support provincial policies that fail to deliver the “Alberta Advantage” to many of its citizens.en
dc.subjectAlberta Advantageen
dc.subjecttransformations within Albertaen
dc.subjectrapid economic growthen
dc.titleThe Redneck Underbelly: The Alberta Advantage and the Cycle of Boom, Bust and Echo! Co-Presented Paper with Gloria Filax at the 6th International Conference on the International Council for Canadian Studies, May 27-29, 2008, Ottawa, ONen

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