Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Community of Inquiry Framework: Validation and Instrument Development 

      Arbaugh, Ben; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Diaz, Sebastian; Garrison, D. Randy; Ice, Phil; Richardson, Jennifer; Shea, Peter; Swan, Karen (2008-02-29)
      Since its publication in The Internet and Higher Education, Garrison, Anderson, and Archer’s (2000) Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has generated substantial interest among online learning researchers. This presentation ...
    • Ontologies for Effective Use of Context in e-Learning Settings 

      Gasevic, Dragan; Jovanovic, Jelena; Knight, Colin; Richards, Griff (2008-02-28)
      This presentation will focus on an ontology-based framework aimed at explicit representation of context-specific metadata derived from the actual usage of learning objects and learning designs. The core part of the proposed ...
    • The Personal Research Portal: The Virtual Faculty or the Net behind the Classroom 

      Peña-López, Ismael (2008-04-11)
      In this presentation, Ismael Peña-López expands on his previous research into personal research portals to propose ways in which educators may use web 2.0 tools to build themselves a place on the net - a personal research ...
    • Problem Based Learning in Distance Education: A Case Study 

      Halonen, Deana (2008-02-28)
      Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) as teaching model is a growing phenomenon, as is using PBL in Distance Education and in social work. This study used Problem Based Learning in social work courses that were offered through ...
    • Tools for Analysis of Research Data Collected from Wikis and Blogs 

      Bhattacharya, Madhumita (2008-04-26)
      In recent years we have seen an increase in the number of social software, such as wikis and blogs, and their use. However, research communities who wished to experiment with social software as tools for data collection ...
    • Using 3D Virtual Worlds: Engaging Learners and Providing Social Support 

      Annand, David; Schwede, Gunnar; Heller, Bob; Husch, Gabriela; Elliott, Colin (2008-02-15)
      Demonstrating how an avatar-based 3-D learning environment can more fully engage learners in their online educational experience, the volunteer team of developers from Athabasca University will showcase a prototype of a ...

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