Now showing items 21-36 of 36

    • Empowering learners with mobile learning 

      Ally, Mohamed; Elliott, Colin; Woodburn, Tracey (ICT2010 Singapore, 2010)
      Anytime and anywhere learning is here with mobile learning. The use of mobile technologies will allow adult learners to access learning materials and support from anywhere and at anytime. Adult learners work full-time or ...
    • Bibliography of the Athabasca river basin: a digital tool for knowledge building and open access 

      Elliott, Colin (ABC Copyright Forum, 2010)
      Athabasca University’s Athabasca River Basin Research Institute is developing a bibliography of the Athabasca River Basin (BARB) as a digital tool to promote knowledge building and information sharing. This highly ...
    • Create mobile content using a mobile-friendly knowledge management system: The Athabasca University experience 

      Ally, Mohamed; Schafer, Steve; Guangbing, Yang; Geng, Hongxing; Tin, Tony; Elliott, Colin (m-Libraries 2009, 2009)
      Very few knowledge management systems are mobile-friendly, resulting in limited access to content through mobile devices. Researchers and developers have put good effort into developing a mobile-friendly knowledge management ...
    • Creating technology awareness among staff and faculty 

      Elliott, Colin (AACE, 2009)
      Rapid development and innovation of new technologies present many opportunities for improving learning. However, the fast rate of change, required technical aptitude, and available resources are barriers for people to adapt ...
    • Mobile library: connecting mobile learners to the library in the digital age 

      Tin, Tony; Elliott, Colin; Kariel, Doug (Canada Library Association (CLA) Conference 2008, 2008)
      With the rapid evolution of technology today, distance education is about to shift to Mobile learning where e-learning materials are being delivered through mobile devices. Wireless and mobile technology provides flexibility ...
    • Using 3D virtual worlds: engaging learners and providing social support 

      Annand, David; Schwede, Gunnar; Heller, Bob; Husch, Gabriela; Elliott, Colin (Canadian Institute of Distance Education Research (CIDER), 2008)
      Demonstrating how an avatar-based 3-D learning environment can more fully engage learners in their online educational experience, the volunteer team of developers from Athabasca University will showcase a prototype of a ...
    • From m-library to mobile ESL: Athabasca University as an advocate for mobile learning 

      Ally, Mohamed; Tin, Tony; Elliott, Colin (m-Libraries 2007, 2007)
      Athabasca University (AU) library has taken an active role in advocating mobile learning within the institution and has been developing mobile friendly resources and services to cater to diverse learners since 2004. AU ...
    • Innovation in workplace and language training; the Athabasca University mobile workplace project 

      Ally, Mohamed; Tin, Tony; Woodburn, Tracey; Elliott, Colin (ICT2010 Singapore, 2010)
      The need for studies on learning via mobile device, particularly how workplace and language training might be conducted, grows in importance, as more and more people become mobile device users. The Athabasca University ...
    • Open access archives and repositories 

      Schafer, Steve; Tin, Tony; Elliott, Colin (Open Access Week 2009, 2009)
      Governments and research funding organizations are increasingly reluctant to fund research that is not widely distributed and affordable, creating the need for repositories through which scholars can legally distribute ...
    • Mobile design: interactive multimedia to support learning and teaching (Workshop) 

      Ally, Mohamed; Elliott, Colin; Schafer, Steve; Yang, Guangbing; Geng, Hongxing; Tin, Tony; Woodburn, Tracey (m-Libraries 2009, 2009)
      Aim of the workshop: The Athabasca University Library has developed many mobile friendly websites and features to help our students access resources. These include an autodetect feature which displays either mobile or ...
    • Mobile library: connecting new generations of learners to the library in the mobile age 

      Schafer, Steve; Tin, Tony; Elliott, Colin (m-Libraries 2009, 2009)
      Digital library services delivered through mobile devices can offer flexibility in terms of access and content, increased hands-on experience, and enhanced information and mobile literacy skills of learners. Athabasca ...
    • Information Literacy: Case Studies and Practices 

      MacIsaac, Peggy Lynn (2010-08-04)
      Athabasca University Library, Red Deer College Library, and the University of Alberta Libraries have developed and implemented collaborative curriculum-integrated information literacy instruction. Participants will learn ...
    • Attended 

      MacIsaac, Peggy Lynn (2010-06-23)
      This training opportunity is organized through COPPUL (Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries) and Statistics Canada’s Data Liberation Initiative (DLI), which provides access to Statistics Canada resources ...
    • Canadian Library Association Presentation 2010, Further Resources 

      Unknown author (2010-06-01)
      This is a bibliography of further resources for our CLA presentation, 2010
    • Planes, Trains and Tour Buses: Libraries in Unexpected Places 

      MacIsaac, Peggy Lynn (2009-06-22)
      Destination travel readers are those who seek reading material while at or en route to their destination. There is a growing trend of hotel and tour operators offering books on loan to their guests. This has meant that ...
    • Libraries Providing Learner Support: The Collaboration Connection 

      Fabbro, Elaine (University of Wisconsin Madison, 2007)
      Collaboration is an essential component in providing learner support in the distance learning environment. It can be found in many different guises in academe, and may involve faculty, staff and librarians. This paper ...

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