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dc.contributor.authorCalliou, Jill
dc.identifier.uri /1767
dc.descriptionThe sessions I attended during this conference were very useful and informative. I attended sessions that focussed on small university ussues, grant writing, funding agency news and updates as well as upcoming competitions and tri-council initiatives.en
dc.description.abstractCAURA holds an annual national conference each May. The meeting is held in Ottawa (or surrounding region) every second year and moves to eastern and western sites in alternate years. The conference lasts three days and each year, several workshops are offered. The program consists of a wide range of sessions and is tailored to meet both the common and specific interests of the membership. There is always good representation from partnership agencies, particularly, at the Ottawa meetings. For new administrators, an annual workshop dedicated to the fundamentals of research administration is held. Seasoned research administrators are offered topical and special interest workshops. Wherever numbers permit, sessions and workshops are designed to be interactive and informal. There is ample time allotted throughout for members to network.en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.subjectUniversity Research Administratorsen
dc.titleAttended the 2008 Canadian Association of University Research Administrators (CAURA) National Conference in Halifax, NS, May 4-7, 2008en

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