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dc.contributor.authorElliott, Colin
dc.identifier.uri /1759
dc.descriptionI attended over 20 talks at e-learn 2008 and found them to be incredibly useful and promising. Some of what I learned at these talks is already directly relevant to my work, some I can implement shortly, and I certainly hope that I will be able to use some of the other ideas in the future. Because the conference was five days and I presided over some sessions, I was able to have many in-depth talks with many of the people attending the conference. These informal conversations will be very useful for my work and helped to give me a lot of direction. The presentation that Tony and I co-presented was very successful. It was on the last day of the conference but we still had a very good turnout. After the presentation, we had many people asking further questions and exploring collaboration possibilities. I believe that our presentation and the feedback we received will improve our project, our future directions, and that some of our work will be adapted by other institutions. I also believe that our project may expand and build upon resources through collaboration with some of the people that came to see our presentation.en
dc.description.abstractWith the rapid evolution of technology today, distance education is about to shift to Mobile learning where e-learning materials are being delivered through mobile devices. Wireles and mobile technology provides flexibility: in time and location of study; in availability of information and resources; and in forms of communication. Our University has initiated a Mobile Library (M-library) project. Due to the success of the M-library, our library has continued to innovate and support our students on mobile devices. The mobile ESL (English as a Second Language) website allows students to read lessons and then do exercises that provide instant feedback. This project is expanding further with a new Workplace English website that will bring richer multimedia (video/audio) content to mobile devices such as the iPhone. Making resources and lessons available to increasingly popular mobile devices ensures that we will be able to meet the growing demand for flexibility from our students.en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.subjectMobile Learningen
dc.subjectMobile ESLen
dc.titleAthabasca University's Innovation in Mobile and Flexible Learning: From M-Library to Mobile ESL presented at the 2008 International Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education in Las Vegas, NV, November 17-21, 2008en

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