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dc.contributor.authorLeung, Steve
dc.identifier.uri /1757
dc.descriptionMy role was to present the paper to the conference. The presentation took place on Oct. 27 around 3:45pm and lasted for about 20 minutes including discussion. One of the feedbacks I received was on the repetition or self-adaptation of resulting ontologies generated from the methodology. Focuses or themes of ontologies should be emphasized. It implied the idea that additional information on themes of ontologies should be added to the metadata.en
dc.description.abstractThe dynamic nature of ontology requires a new methodology to discover the evolving semantics of a particular conceptualization and maintain the novelty of specific ontology with minimal human intervention. This paper posits a conceptual framework that supports a data-driven, iterative, and self-correcting ontology engineering methodology for developing application-oriented and light-weight ontology. The method is being tested and implemented in a work-in-progress intelligent educational system (IES) project that serves an agent-based and ontology-driven academic advising system.en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.subjectdata-driven ontologyen
dc.subjectengineering frameworken
dc.titleTowards a Data-driven Ontology Engineering Framework presented at the 16th International Conference on Computers in Education in Taipei, Taiwan, October 27-31, 2008en

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