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Mapping - BALTA Survey, Results, Reports & Papers
copy of balta survey, and analysis, and background paper
Recent Submissions
Final Mapping Report: Environmental Organizations
(2014-03-12)In 2010 the BALTA Mapping Team completed their survey of social economy organizations in Alberta and British Columbia. An important finding of this Mapping research was that a subsection of the population indicated that ... -
Mapping the Social Economy in British Columbia and Alberta: Final Report
(2013-04-10)This report begins to paint an interesting portrait of the social economy in BC and Alberta. It was created through the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). This alliance was initially started as a 5 year ... -
Definition and Measurement of the Social Economy: Continuous Construct or Dichotomous Variable?
(2009-11-24)The BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) is collecting information on the scope and scale of the social economy in British Columbia and Alberta. This report to BALTA's 2009 symposium provides an update on ... -
BC-Alberta Social Economy Portraiture Survey 2008-2010: Some Preliminary Patterns
(2010-04-27)The BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) is collecting information on the scope and scale of the social economy in British Columbia and Alberta. As part of this research endeavor, the BALTA Mapping project ... -
The Social Economy in Alberta and BC: Preliminary Patterns
(2010-04)The BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) is collecting information on the scope and scale of the social economy in British Columbia and Alberta. As part of this research endeavor, the BALTA Mapping project ... -
Mapping the Social Economy in British Columbia and Alberta: Trends, Patterns, New Directions
(2009-05)The BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) is collecting information on the scope and scale of the social economy in British Columbia and Alberta. As part of this research endeavor, the BALTA Mapping project ... -
Mapping Social Enterprise in Sunnyside-Hillhurst
(BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA), 2009-11)This research, led by Dr. Noel Keough of the University of Calgary and conducted by Master's in Environmental Design student, Celia Lee, has mapped the social economy at a neighbourhood level in one Calgary (Alberta, Canada) ... -
BALTA Mapping Workplan 2010-2011
(2010-06-19)This document summarizes the annual research plans of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance with respect to its mapping program to survey and document social economy organizations in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. -
BALTA Mapping Workplan 2009-2010
(2010-06-19)This document summarizes the annual research plans of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance with respect to its mapping program to survey and document social economy organizations in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. -
Bases de données sur les organisations d’économie sociale, la classification des activités économiques
(2009-02-15)La Chaire de recherche du Canada en économie sociale analyse le rôle de l'innovation sociale dans les organisations d’économie sociale. L'objectif des travaux de la Chaire est de bien cerner le potentiel et les spécificités ... -
BALTA Mapping Workplan - 2007-2008
(2009-02-14)The BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) is implementing a five year research program to map social economy organizations in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. The program has the following objectives: • ... -
BALTA Mapping Workplan - 2008-2009
(2009-02-13)This document summarizes the annual research plans of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance with respect to its mapping program to survey and document social economy organizations in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. -
Research Decisions in Mapping the Social Economy in Alberta and British Columbia
(2009-02-13)This paper outlines the mapping research design process undertaken by the BALTA Mapping Team for the initial stages of the BALTA (BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance)Social Economy Mapping Project (Phase 1). The ... -
2008 Summary of Results: BALTA Social Economy Survey - Fall 2008
(2009-02-12)The BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) is a regional collaboration of organizations engaged in research initiatives to strengthen the foundations of the social economy in western Canada. Undertaken by the ... -
Summary of Preliminary Results: BALTA Social Economy Survey Spring 2008
(2008-08-11)The BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) is a regional collaboration of organizations engaged in research initiatives to strengthen the foundations of the social economy in western Canada. Undertaken by the ... -
(2008-03-01)A copy of the BALTA Survey for people to review before completing the online survey available at Click on the "Open" hotlink below. -
Mapping the Social Economy in BC and Alberta: Towards a Strategic Approach
(BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA), 2006-08)This paper sets out a general framework and taxonomy within which the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance could define a focus for its initial approach to mapping of the social economy in British Columbia and ...