Dr. Susan Moisey
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Short Profile
Dr. Susan Moisey is a core faculty member in the Centre for Distance Education. In addition to teaching MDDE 604 (and occasionally 603), she advises students, supervises thesis research, and conducts research in the areas of instructional design, community building, DE for students with disabilities, and inclusive education.
Short Biography
I have been involved in distance education for nearly 30 years. In the early days of AU in the mid-1970s, I was an instructional designer and helped to develop some of the first distance courses. When the university moved to northern Alberta in 1984, I left my position at AU and returned to university to complete my doctorate in Educational Psychology, specializing in computer-based learning. After that, I set up my own consulting firm and worked as an educational consultant for more than 10 years. Over that time I worked in various sectors -- government, post-secondary education, business (profit and not-for-profit), training -- designing and developing an array of instructional materials (and even a couple of self-help manuals as well as some addiction treatment/prevention programs). In 1998, I returned to AU as a core faculty member in the Centre for Distance Education.
In addition to teaching MDDE604 and MDDE603, I also supervise thesis research and conduct research of my own. I have a special interest in DE for students with disabilities and inclusive education. I currently have a research program titled the Inclusive Libraries Initiative, where I am investigating how assistive technology and community-based programs can promote the use of information and communication technology (ICT) among library patrons with disabilities. This stems from an earlier study, which used a specially designed web site, NorthEast Community Online, to investigate how to introduce adults with developmental disabilities to ICT. Not to ignore AU's population of learners with disabilities, I conduct research on an ongoing basis to study their characteristics and academic success as well.
My research in disability-related matters reflects my personal interest in this area. A few years ago, I contracted meningococcal disease, which resulted in hearing loss and the amputation of my toes and the fingers on my right (dominant) hand. My experience has provided me with some insight into the barriers and special needs that disabilities create. Distance education has much to offer learners with disabilities, and our work in this important area is just in its infancy.
On a personal note, I have three sons (Matthew, Ben and Nicholas), a lovely daughter-in-law, Georgina, and a beautiful new granddaughter, Elizabeth. I have three dogs -- Gracie (a giant Schnauzer cross), Bugsy (a pug-Boston terrier "designer dog"), and Francine (a white French Bulldog) -- and keep a fascinating 180-gallon marine, reef-style aquarium.
Recent Submissions
Students with Disabilities in Distance Education: Characteristics, Course Enrollment and Completion, and Support Services
(Journal of Distance Education, 2004)This study describes the characteristics, enrollment, and completion rates of students with disabilities and the support services they received over a three-year period. Between 1998 and 2001 a total of 604 students with ... -
Women Entrepreneurs: Informal Learning and the Internet (Women Entrepreneurs' Perceptions of the Value of the Internet in Informal Learning - published title)
(Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2006)Thomas, P. & Moisey, S. (2006). Women entrepreneurs' perceptions of the value of the Internet in informal learning. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 19 (2), 183–202. -
Students with disabilities: Their experience and success at Athabasca University
(IDCE/CADE Conference, 2002)Preliminary findings of a study examining the experience and success of Athabasca University students with disabilities, over a three-year period, are presented in this session. Student characteristics, including the ... -
Factors Affecting the Development and Use of Learning Objects
(The American Journal of Distance Education, 2006)This study explored barriers and facilitating factors affecting the development and use of learning objects in developing instructional materials and their use in supporting individualized learning. Over a two-month ... -
Community Building and Computer-Mediated Conferencing
(Journal of Distance Education, 2008)This study examined the relationship between community cohesion and computer-mediated conferencing (CMC), as well as other variables potentially associated with the development of a learning community. Within the context ... -
Fostering Self-help at a Distance for Adults with Vision Loss.
(Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 2002) -
An Integrated Instructional Design Model to Foster Lasting Behavior Change.
(Educational Technology, 2001) -
The Athabasca University edusource Project: Building An Accessible Learning Object Repository
(Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2005)Athabasca University - Canada's Open University (AU) made the commitment to put all of its courses online as part of its Strategic University Plan. In pursuit of this goal, AU participated in the eduSource project, a ...