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dc.contributor.authorMcGreal, Rory
dc.contributor.authorOlcott, Donald Jr.
dc.identifier.citationMcGreal, R., & Olcott, D. J. (2021, January). Micro-Credentials Landscape Report: Transforming workforce futures: Strategic perspectives and practices for university micro-credentials (unpublished manuscript)en_US
dc.descriptionIn conclusion, we return to the strategic focus for institutions to simultaneously examine the three-prong strategy of bringing online, open education and micro-credentials together in concert to re-shape the institutional culture for university outreach, economic development and workforce development. The synergy between these three major immersive trends and focus areas give institutions a new arsenal to adapt, shift directions and serve as a catalyst for thriving in a dynamic and competitive marketplace. Indeed, the time for this strategic reset to create market-driven agility in the future is now.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe global workforce and economy are at a crossroads. Amidst the dramatic economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, organisations in the public and private sector are increasingly faced with new economic and workforce imperatives for the future (Carnevale, Fasules, and Campbell, 2020). Moreover, recent trends in the high cost of higher education, employer concerns about graduate skills and competencies, and student frustrations about lack of job opportunities have all been a catalyst for universities, independent credentialing agencies, and leaders of national qualification frameworks to rethink the broader credentials continuum.en_US
dc.publisherUnpublished manuscripten_US
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.subjectmicro-credentials, OER, Online learning, alternative digital credentials, ADCen_US
dc.titleMicro-Credentials Landscape Report:Transforming workforce futures: Strategic perspectives and practices for university micro-credentialsen_US

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