Now showing items 1-10 of 62
The TeleEducation NB Programme Development Fund: Using distance education to promote economic development
(Canadian Association of Distance Education, 2000)
The initial TeleEducation New Brunswick Programme Development Fund (PDF) was a provincial economic development initiative that supported proposals for the design of online distance education courses and programs. It provided ...
TeleEducation NB and the Telecampus online course database: Building the learning industry in New Brunswick
(Commonwealth of Learning, 1999)
The TeleCampus online course database ( is a project of TeleEducation
NB. It has implemented as a comprehensive online course database sponsored by Industry Canada, the World
Bank, the ...
Audiographic network: A guide for new users (Réseau audiographique: Guide pour les nouveaux utilisateurs)
(TeleEducation NB, 1998)
This guide, intended for all new users, has been developed to assist you in planning for the use of the audiographics network, starting with the request for network use process up to the start-up of the course. Items to ...
Before you begin: An online tutorial for new distance learners
(TeleEducation NB, 1999)
What is distance learning all about?
- What is distance learning?
- How does a distance course work?
- What are the benefits of distance education?
- Is one type of distance education more effective than another?
- What ...
TeleEducation NB: People problems and solutions in a Canadian province-wide distributed distance learning network
(DEOS News, 1999)
TeleEducation NB (TENB) is a province-wide distributed learning network that assists educational institutions and private sector companies in delivering distance education. As an example of a province-wide distributed ...
Faculty Adoption of Teaching and Learning Technologies: Contrasting Earlier Adopters and Mainstream Faculty
(Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 1998)
The adoption of teaching and learning technologies is an innovation
that challenges the structure, culture and practice of modern research
universities. This paper documents quantitatively and qualitatively the
attitudes, ...
Critical thinking in distance education: Developing critical communities in an audio teleconference context
(Higher Education, 1995)
Distance education has long been associated with independent study and delivery of prepackaged
learning materials. These characteristics effectively deny distance education students the
opportunity to participate in ...
Learning in a Networked World: New Roles and Responsibilties
(Atwood Publishing, 1998)
E-learning in Canada
(Idea Group Publishing, 2007-01)
Any view of elearning in Canada must be informed by the uniquely Canadian feature of provincial jurisdiction over education. Canada is the only country that does not have a national department/ministry of education. Therefore ...
Comparison of the attitudes of learners taking audiographic teleconferencing courses in secondary schools in Northern Ontario
(InterPersonal Computing and Technology Journal, 1994)
A comparison of attitudes between different distance learning and on site students shown no significant difference.