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dc.contributor.authorPivato, Joseph J.
dc.identifier.citationCosmic Ear: Calabrian Writers in Canada, Joseph Pivato, Australasian Canadian Studies, 23.2 (2005).en
dc.description.abstract"Our House is in a Cosmic Ear" is the title of a poem by Antonino Mazza, a poet and translator who epitomizes Calabrian writers in Canada. Calabrians constitute a very large proportion of the Italians in Canada. There are an estimated 260,000 people of Calabrian background. Nevertheless little has been written about these people or their cultural impact on Canadian society. Calabrians in Canada are better known for their significant economic success. Many have achieved prominence in the professions. Their construction companies have changed the skylines of Toronto and Montreal. These achievements overshadow the modest endeavours of artists who are representing cultural roots and the experiences of immigration. However economic success does not always help us to understand who we are. We must turn to the artist to explore questions of identity.en
dc.publisherAustralasian Canadian Studiesen
dc.subjectCalabrian writers in Canadaen
dc.subjectEthnic minority writingen
dc.titleCosmic Ear: Calabrian Writers in Canadaen

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