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dc.contributor.authorLin, Fuhua (Oscar)
dc.descriptionDr Fuhua (Oscar) Lin, with his students AJ Armstrong and Alex Newcomb, presented a novel and innovative approach to Course-offering determination (COD) for educational programs at the International Symposium in Intelligent Campus held in Macau on Dec. 4, 2012. The symposium is within World Intelligence Congress 2012 organized by ACM and IEEE ( COD is the complex task of deciding what subset of courses an academic department or program should offer in a given academic term or semester. They first modeled COD decision settings, e.g. modeling students as a group of self-interested agents, and then used a group decision-making protocol in voting theory to aggregate the preferences of the different participants toward a single joint decision. They showed how agent-to-agent negotiation techniques in multiagent systems (MAS) can be used to offer courses to mutual benefit between the department and the body of the students.en
dc.description.abstractCourse-offering determination (COD) for educational programs is the complex task of deciding what subset of courses an academic department or program should offer in a given academic term or semester. In this paper, we first model COD decision settings, e.g. modeling students as a group of self-interested agents, and then use a group decision-making protocol voting theory to aggregate the preferences of the different participants toward a single joint decision. Finally, we show how agent-to-agent negotiation techniques can be used to offer courses to mutual benefit between the department and the body of the students.en
dc.subjectCOD for educational programsen
dc.subjectAgent-to-agent negotiation techniquesen
dc.titleAn MAS Approach to Course Offering Determinationen

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