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dc.contributor.authorCao, Yang
dc.descriptionWikimania is the annual international conference of the Wikimeida community. Wikimania allows the community and the general public to learn about and share their experiences with free knowledge initiatives all over the world. I attended the Wikimania 2012 The International Wikimedia Conference and preconference events in Washington, DC and preconference events in New York City. Explored the research and development with Wikimedia applications. Learned more about what Wiki community had tried and where they are going, experiments with Wikipedia at some universities, and learned how wiki is for everyone: Culture and Features at wikiHow, etc. Met with some people and developers who have been working on wiki projects and had some conversations regarding to their work and experiences. I found out that many things have been going on with Wiki projects and how widely the wiki applications have been used by general public and educators. I would like to do further research on this area and set up some applications for research purpose.en
dc.description.abstractParticipate in the Wikimania 2012 The International Wikimedia Conference, explore the research and development with Wikimedia applications. Learn more about what Wikimedia community had tried and where they are going, experiments with Wikipedia at some universities, and learn how wiki is for everyone: Culture and Features at wikiHow, etc.en
dc.subjectExperiments with Wikipediaen
dc.subjectCultures and Featuresen
dc.titleAttend The International Wikimedia Conference 2012en

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