Flexible paths to assessment for OER learners: A comparative study
This paper highlights the preliminary findings of a one-year research
project (2011) that investigated the fit of recognizing prior learning (RPL)
practice and related assessment and transfer protocols to projected OER use,
especially by the Open Educational Resource University (OERu), a newly-formed
consortium of like-minded institutions located worldwide. Across a study that
included 31 post secondary institutions from 10 countries, findings indicated
both consistencies and inconsistencies in the treatment of RPL. While most
institutions reflected the intent of honoring learners' prior learning, achieved
informally or non-formally, institutions were bound by internal policy and
structure in terms of protocols. The relationship of transfer credit opportunities
to engaging with learners in preparing RPL documents for assessment was also
varied. Broad disparities in fee information made it difficult to determine what
the actual costs of various protocols would be for learners. OERu will continue to
search for innovative approaches to providing universal and collaborative
education, globally, to non-traditional learners.