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dc.contributor.authorKariel, Doug
dc.descriptionI organized the “Current Issues in Technical Services and Serials” session at the Canadian Library Association conference in Ottawa. About 40 people attended. The group was divided among 3 groups. 1. Implications of RDA implementation for Technical Services staff, 2. Changes in managing authority control in library catalogues, and 3. Future Trends in Technical Services. Attendees were given the opportunity to participate in any of the 3 groups. After 25 minutes, they were invited to switch groups if they wanted to. As the session was 90 minutes, participants could participate in all 3 groups if they wanted to do so. Each group had great discussions. The participants felt that they had good quality information that they would be able to use in their work.en
dc.description.abstractI organized the “Current Issues in Technical Services and Serials” session. About 40 people attended. The group was divided among 3 groups. 1. Implications of RDA implementation for Technical Services staff, 2. Changes in managing authority control in library catalogues, and 3. Future trends in Technical Services. Attendees were given the opportunity to participate in any of the 3 groups. After 25 minutes, they were invited to switch groups if they wanted to. As the session was 90 minutes, participants could participate in all 3 groups if they wanted to do so. The groups were general discussions on the topics led by a speaker/facilitator. I facilitated the Future Trends group. The participants in my group very much enjoyed discussing where the Technical Services work is going in the future and how library staff working in this area can be prepare for changes in the future and plan to have an important role in libraries as they evolve over the next 5-10 years. The facilitators of the two other groups told me that there was lively discussion and that participants really appreciated the opportunity to talk about these issues as they have direct bearing on their work. In addition, I attended many other sessions, met with vendors, and talked with colleagues. Sessions relating to RDA (Resource Description and Access), government information, and planning for the future were the most interesting. All the sessions I went to were interesting and helpful. They are keen to do this again next year.en
dc.titleAttend Canadian Library Association (CLA) 2012 National Conference and Trade Show and Organize, facilitate, and moderate the session "Current Issues in Technical Services"en

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