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dc.contributor.authorMusila, Jacob
dc.descriptionPresented the paper in the 1:30-3:00PM session on May 18, 2012. The paper and presentation was well received as it was a first attempt to estimate the effects of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) on growth and investment. Questions were asked regarding the non-existent of the RTA-human capital – growth channel in the study. Discussion ensued regarding the theoretical underpinning of such a link and the practical evidence. Questions were asked about the overall performance of the model as the Adjusted R-squares were very low. However, the low adj. R-squares is a common phenomenon in cross-section growth studies. So, it is not unique for this study. A suggestion was made to investigate the time series properties of the panel data.en
dc.description.abstractThis paper uses panel data to estimate the impact of AMU, COMESA, ECCAS, ECOWAS and SADC regional economic integrations on the level and rate of growth of economic activity in Africa. The impacts of each integration scheme on the level of investment and the rate of growth of real GDP per capita are estimated. The estimated results show that the impacts of COMESA, ECOWAS, and SADC on the level of investment are positive and significant while that of AMU is negative and significant. Only ECCAS has a negative and significant influence on the rate of growth of real GDP per capita. The impacts of AMU, COMESA, ECOWAS and SADC on rate of growth of real GDP per capita are insignificant. With respect to the marginal impacts, COMESA, ECOWAS and SADC are found to reduce the marginal impact of trade openness on investment, COMESA is also found to reduce the marginal impact of trade openness on economic growth while ECCAS is found to increase the marginal impact of trade openness on growth.en
dc.subjectEconomic Growthen
dc.subjectRegional Economic Integrationen
dc.subjectPanel Dataen
dc.titleDynamic Effects of African Economic Integration: Evidence from Panel Dataen

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