Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Integrating openness in course design 

      Ives, Cindy (2012-10-26)
      Supporting the widespread availability of OER is a goal that Athabasca University (AU) has embraced through association with the Commonwealth of Learning and by becoming a charter member of the OER University. The use of ...
    • OER and Mobile Learning 

      McGreal, Rory (2012-10-25)
      Open Educational Resources (OER) constitute an important resource with the potential to facilitate the expansion of mobile learning worldwide. The flexibility, both technological and legal afforded by openly licensed ...
    • The OER university: A sustainable model for more affordable education futures 

      Mackintosh, Wayne (2012-10-26)
      Open education provides unprecedented opportunities for universities to provide more affordable access to post-secondary education for all students worldwide. OER is a sustainable and renewable resource. The OER university ...
    • Open Access and Public Policy 

      Pannekoek, Frits (2012-10-26)
      Governments are becoming increasingly aware of the power of open access and the power of the new technologies to liberate and massify learning. Three reactions are worth pondering: those of the learning industries, those ...
    • "Open and Closed" Getting the mix right. Who gets to Decide?? 

      Dron, Jon; Anderson, Terry; Siemens, George (2012-10-26)
      Despite the desirability of "Making Open the Default" as the theme of this year’s open access week, there are many reasons that can and should influence a person and an organization to restrict access to content. In this ...

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