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dc.contributor.authorTin, Tony
dc.descriptionThis was a great international conference with large participation from M-learn researchers worldwide. The conference atmosphere was very inviting. I presented a poster and a long paper in the conference. Both presentations were well received by the participants. We had received many positive feedbacks and suggestions from the participants. These feedbacks and suggestions would be useful to our future research on mobile learning. In short, It is one of the best m-learn conference that I have attended. I have found it useful to my research and professional development.en
dc.description.abstractThe poster illustrates how iPhone technology can be used to deliver French language training and engage students with interactive learning content. Five interactive lessons teaching basic French grammar and vocabulary were designed and pilot-tested by Athabasca University using iPhones. Students with no experience in French language training were given tests before and after studying the mobile lessons to measure changes in their French language skills. Most students improved their quiz scores. Overall, students who participated in this study found the format and content of the lessons useful. They enjoyed using the iPhone and wanted to take more lessons with this device. This study will benefit researchers and designers interested in creating language training for delivery on mobile devices.en
dc.subjectiPhone Technologyen
dc.subjectInteractive Learningen
dc.subjectFrench Languageen
dc.subjectMobile Deviceen
dc.titleAthabasca University Mobile Learning: Delivering French Training Using Mobile Devices (Poster)en

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