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dc.contributor.authorWang, Hongxue (Harris)
dc.descriptionI chaired a session in the morning of April 28, and then presented my paper in the afternoon. There were exciting discussions after my presentation. People in the information and information system management area are interested in the cloud-computing scheme, but they are more concerned with the security issues that may arise. So, some critical evaluation of the new IT solution must be done fully before adopt it for an organization. During the conference, I had talks with other attendees about AU. They are very interested in AU, often surprised at our success. Prof. Grant at the Ryerson University told me that last year she met one of our students we sent to Case IT 2010 competition at SFU, and she got a very good impression of and feedback about AU from the student. This should serve as a proof that we should more often send our students to national or international events such as Case IT (we have sent a team in two consecutive years since last year), HackUs (we sent one student to competition this year). Those students may become good convincing advocates of AU and AU programs. She also mentioned that she had offered one session of teaching through distance learning, and she had some good feedback from the students. So, she would like to do more. This lets me wonder what would happen to AU if more and more professors at other universities start to offer their courses through DE, as an option for students who cannot attend the classes at campus.en
dc.description.abstractOne of the most significant phenomena of the new century is globalization. As business goes global, multiregional branch offices are needed and networked computing and information services must then be established for those branch offices. In this paper we investigate a cloud computing based approach to the rapid deployment of computing and information services for organizations with multiregional branch offices. We first take a look at the general process leading to the deployment of Computer and Information Technology (CIT) services for organizations, and then present some cloud computing-based solutions for organizations with multiregional branch offices, followed by discussions about their key features as well as issues and concerns surrounding the proposed IT solutions. An important contribution of this paper is a generalized view of the cloud computing-based approach, which may be used as guidance in implementing and deploying such IT solutions.en
dc.subjectComputer technologyen
dc.subjectIT Solutionsen
dc.subjectCIT servicesen
dc.titleCloud Computing-based IT Solutions For Organizations with Multiregional Branch Officesen

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