Now showing items 21-35 of 35

    • OER's and Sustainable Innovation: Low Cost, Low Risk but High Impact 

      McGreal, Rory; Mackintosh, Wayne (2011-11-04)
      This session will include a description of the UNESCO Chair in OER network including an update on the mandate of the Chair and the developments so far. These include agreement on support for a network of UNESCO Chairs in ...
    • Panel on Moving to Open Educational Resources at Athabasca University 

      Ives, Cindy; Carter, Lisa; Tin, Tony; Elliott, Colin (2011-10-27)
      Dr. Cindy Ives, Director of the Centre for Learning Design and Development (CLDD) at Athabasca University, discusses recent projects in the CLDD that have focused on open educational resources including initiatives to ...
    • Making Sense of Complexity in Open Information Environments 

      Siemens, George (2011-10-27)
      In the pursuit of openness, the cognitive experience of the learners and educators are often overlooked. Open educational resources present fragmented views of topics: a TedTalk video here, an Open Yale lecture there, an ...
    • Post Secondary Leadership and the OER Movement 

      Pannekoek, Frits (2011-10-27)
      ER provide both opportunity and anxiety to University Administrators. While they see possible savings, at the same time they see new expenditures without accompanying revenues. Little understanding exists by either ...
    • Fun and Fear in Open Spaces 

      Anderson, Terry; Dron, Jon (2011-10-27)
      This presentation presents the theory and practice of Open Learning as implemented in Athabasca University’s Beyond the LMS social networking system. The presentation discusses the motivation , design and challenges ...
    • Panel on Open Library, Scholarship and Learning at Athabasca University 

      Ives, Cindy; Elliott, Colin; Anderson, Terry (2010-10-22)
      Tony Tin, founder of Athabasca University's digital content repository, AUSpace, discusses the organization of AUSpace, its benefits for open access support, researchers and organizations, and research findings of AUSpace ...
    • Managing and Learning in MOOCs (massive open online courses) 

      Siemens, George (2010-10-21)
      George Siemens, with Athabasca's Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute, is best known for his development of the pedagogical model of networked learning known as Connectivism. He and Steven Downes have pioneered ...
    • Open Educational Resources and Copyright 

      McGreal, Rory (2010-10-21)
      Dr Rory McGreal is the Assoc. Vice President of Research at Athabasca University. He is an expert on copyright law and its application to education and learning resources. He is also the editor of a bestselling book on ...
    • Open Opportunity through Open Scholarship and Open Publication 

      Pannekoek, Frits (2010-10-19)
      Dr Frits Pannekoek is the President of Athabasca University and President of the International Council on Open and Distance Education. He is an advocate for the open distribution of scholarly works and has been the driving ...
    • Using Open Production of Course Content to make a Difference 

      Mackintosh, Wayne (2010-10-19)
      Dr. Wayne Mackintosh is the Director of the International Centre for Open Education based at Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand, member of the Board of Directors of the Open Education Foundation, and founder of the WikiEducator ...
    • Open Educational Resources 

      McGreal, Rory; Anderson, Terry (2009-11-02)
      The production, licensing, use and re-use of learning objects accessible through open access distribution will be the focus of this presentation. Noted author and scholar Dr. Rory McGreal will share his knowledge of the ...
    • Open Access Archives and Repositories 

      Schafer, Steve; Tin, Tony; Elliott, Colin (2009-10-23)
      Governments and research funding organizations are increasingly reluctant to fund research that is not widely distributed and affordable, creating the need for repositories through which scholars can legally distribute ...
    • Open Access Publication 

      Pannekoek, Frits (2009-10-22)
      Publication models for scholarly monographs, featuring the pioneering work of Athabasca University Press, Canada’s first open access press. Dr. Frits Pannekoek, president of Athabasca University, will discuss the vision ...
    • Open Access Research Opportunities and Strategies 

      McAndrew, Patrick (2009-10-20)
      Much remains to be discovered in relation to the technology, economy, politics and psychology of effectively producing and using open access content. Patrick McAndrew and Candice Thiele are co-directing OLnet, an international ...
    • The Open Access Scholar 

      Anderson, Terry (2009-10-20)
      The review, publication and interaction associated with open access dissemination of research is the focus of this presentation, featuring Dr. Terry Anderson, editor of the open access journal The International Review of ...

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