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dc.contributor.authorAffolderbach, Julia
dc.contributor.authorGismondi, Mike
dc.descriptionIn January 2008 the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) launched its Social Economy Survey, as part of its Portraiture and Mapping project. The survey consists of an online questionnaire and is housed at Athabasca University. It is designed to compile an inventory of social economy actors and organizations in BC and Alberta in order to provide general data on the scope and scale of the sector including evidence of its economic, social and environmental significance. The survey is an ongoing endeavour. It will stay active for the duration of the mapping project until 2011. The survey is open to any organizations and actors that are part of the social economy.en
dc.description.abstractThe BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) is a regional collaboration of organizations engaged in research initiatives to strengthen the foundations of the social economy in western Canada. Undertaken by the BALTA mapping team, a social economy survey is aimed at identifying the scope and characteristics of the social economy in BC and Alberta. The online survey is ongoing. This summary provides a brief overview of the responses collected from January to October 2008.en
dc.subjectsocial economyen
dc.subjectmapping surveyen
dc.title2008 Summary of Results: BALTA Social Economy Survey - Fall 2008en

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