Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Tools for Analysis of Research Data Collected from Wikis and Blogs
In recent years we have seen an increase in the number of social software, such as wikis and blogs, and their use. However, research communities who wished to experiment with social software as tools for data collection ...
Online Teaching in International Contexts: Towards a Sociocultural Perspective of Teaching Presence
In this presentation, Tannis Morgan shares her doctoral research that looks at cases of teaching presence in international online distance courses. Cultural historical activity theory (Engestrom, 1999, 2001) is adopted as ...
The Personal Research Portal: The Virtual Faculty or the Net behind the Classroom
In this presentation, Ismael Peña-López expands on his previous research into personal research portals to propose ways in which educators may use web 2.0 tools to build themselves a place on the net - a personal research ...
The Use of Whiteboards in Synchronous Online Drop-In Tutorials in Distance Delivered Courses
Online whiteboard technology has seen limited application in the practice of distance education. This technology is particularly suited to disciplines that are communicated and taught visually and symbolically, which ...
WikiEducator: A return to the traditions of the academy?
The Open Education Resource (OER) movement shows considerable potential to reduce cost, improve quality and widen access to educational opportunities. Facilitated by the power of social software in a connected world as ...
Adoption of Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education
This presentation is based on Dr. Parchoma’s recently published (May 2008) book, Adoption of Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education. The presentation reports the findings of a study of the influences of organizational ...
The Effective Use of Synchronous Classes within an Online Graduate Program: Building upon an Interdependent System
In this presentation, Janet Groen, Janet Tworek, and Maria Soos-Gonczol will discuss the implementation of effective synchronous voice communication sessions within a graduate level university program in education from the ...
Assessing the Quality of K-12 Online Content: A sample assessment rubric
What factors create an effective online course from a “content” point of view? This session will highlight the assessment criteria and the review process that was used to review the content of K-12 online learning tools ...
Emotion, Learning and the Online Learning Environment
In spite of evidence that more and more students are engaging in online learning experiences (Alan & Seaman, 2006), clarity about the transition to a new learning environment is still at arm’s length (Cleveland-Innes, ...
Designing the Undesignable: Social Software and Control
In this presentation, Dr. Jon Dron will discuss his recently published article, “Designing the undesignable: Social Software and Control”. In this article, Dr Dron states that social software, such as blogs, wikis, tagging ...