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Now showing items 1005-1024 of 2002
L1 and L2 Students Together: Online Education to the Rescue
(2013-03-05)This presentation explores a solution to the problem of L1 and L2 students taking the same course while addressing the specific needs of both. We examine the data from three courses, offered asynchronously online with both ... -
La Gran Transición: Navegando por un Cambio Social, Económico y Ecológico en Tiempos Turbulentos
(BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA), 2010-01)Spanish translation of an original paper in English. Trans-disciplinary thinking by evolutionary, social, and ecological economists from the mid-1970s pointed to a new paradigm from which working models are emerging. This ... -
La grande transition : maintenir le cap sur le changement social, économique et écologique en périodes de turbulence
(BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA), 2010-02)French translation of an original paper in English. Trans-disciplinary thinking by evolutionary, social, and ecological economists from the mid-1970s pointed to a new paradigm from which working models are emerging. This ... -
Laboratory work in distance education
(Distance Education, 1982)A major concern in distance education is how to overcome the problems associated with laboratory components of courses. In this paper we review the general importance of laboratory work for students, summarise the ... -
Labour Education as Adult Education: Linking the CASAE Experience as Theory and Practice
(2010-07-14)Labour Education as Adult Education: Linking the CASAE Experience as Theory and Practice It has been suggested that over the next eighteen months CASAE members review the 30 years of CASAE existence and as part of that ... -
Lacanian Perspectives on Knowledge, Truth, Method, Rigor,
(American Educational Research Conference Association., 2002) -
The Land Agreement of 1842 at Little Red River
(Alberta History, 1999)On May 1, 1842, an agreement was signed at Fort Vermilion by five members of the Beaver Indian Nation and by William Shaw, the Hudson's Bay Company clerk in charge. As a "mark of [their} regard and attachment," the Beaver ... -
Land of the Unexpected: Impressions from Papua New Guinea
(2011-03-09)Join Dr. Roland Treu, Associate Professor, Biology, Centre for Science, on a journey through the Melanesian paradise of Papua New Guinea, a little known country in the south Pacific with a startling biodiversity. Drawing ... -
Land Tenure and the Social Economy
(2009-04-06)This is a proposal and plan for a BALTA research project. Shared equity land ownership is important in the social economy. Examples of it can be found in a range of sectors including agriculture, housing (in rural and ... -
Land Tenure and the Social Economy
(2009-11-25)This presentation to the 2009 symposium of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) reports on BALTA Project D3, which explored a range of land tenure and land trusts issues and models. It also explains the ... -
Landscape and Ethnoecology - an Ethnobiological View
(2011-06-29)Landscape is often taken for granted in ethnobiological work, treated as setting, described in geographic or biological terms. Landscape is productive to examine as the (literal) foundation of ethnobiological work: where ... -
Landscape-Scale Prioritization Process for Private Land Conservation in Alberta
(2013-11-12)There are 12 conservation land trust organizations (CLTOs) in the province of Alberta, Canada that actively steward land. Together they have protected over 1.09 million hectares of land. Using in-depth interview data ... -
LANGblog - Audioblog for Parctising Oral Skills Online
(2011-03-09)Developed by a team of teachers and technologists at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain, LANGblog is an audioblog created to enable students to practice oral skills in an online asynchronous setting. Dr. Federico ... -
Language and Communication: Can Voice-Conferencing Software Assist Students to Face the Challenge of Learning to Speak a Second Language in a Distance Education Setting
(2011-03-29)The focus of this presentation is a pilot project completed in 2005 to assess the suitability of the voice-based conferencing system Horizon Wimba for use by Athabasca students registered in second language courses. In a ... -
Large Scale Deployment of Tablet Computers in K-12 Schools in Brazil
(2014-01-16)Different sectors of the society of many countries have been demanding for significant improvements in their education systems and teaching and learning practices in recent years (Keller, 2008; Latchem & Hanna, 2001). The ... -
Larry David's Jewish Comedy as an Extension of Yiddish Ashkenazic Culture in Later Hollywood Generations
(2011-03-29)On Sienfeld, Larry David mentions earlier American Jewish comedy writers such as Neil Simon. Some shows are based on models that reach far back into the history of Yiddish film, theatre and comedy. For instance, in one ... -
Late life depression: nursing actions that can help
(Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2018)Purpose: This article explains the symptoms of late life depression (LLD) and discusses evidence‐informed actions that nurses can implement to provide older adults with the help they need. Conclusions: Recognizing and ... -
Le nouveau rôle des organisations de l’économie sociale: perspectives économique et sociale
(Concordia University, 2007)This presentation to a 2007 seminar in Vancouver, Canada, of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was based on research compiled for the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) in ...