Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • BALTA Project C10 - Municipal Government Support of the Social Economy Sector (Revised Plan) 

      Kain, Jenny; Wulff, Stuart; Hall, Peter V.; Reimer, Brendan (2010-09-20)
      This revised plan describes research being conducted by the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) in association with the Saskatchewan/Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario node of the Canadian Social Economy Research ...
    • Municipal Government Support of the Social Economy Sector 

      Kain, Jenny; Gismondi, Mike (2010-09-20)
      This plan/proposal describes research being conducted by the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) in association with the Saskatchewan/Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario node of the Canadian Social Economy Research ...
    • Municipal Government Support of the Social Economy Sector 

      Kain, Jenny; Sharkey, Emma; Webb, Robyn (2010-09-20)
      This report is based on research conducted by the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) in association with the Saskatchewan/Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario node of the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships. ...

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