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dc.contributor.authorGrams, Grant
dc.description.abstractThis capstone project shows the practical applications of narrative therapy and how it offers real support to refugees. Narrative therapy is an evidence-based therapy modality, with a strong research base applicable to refugees of all ages with a variety of psychological concerns. The reviewed publications of this project are international and include Canada, the United States, Australia, China, and South Africa to illustrate narrative therapy’s relevance to many areas and peoples. The researchers of the publications that the author reviewed for this capstone project used interpretivist qualitative research methods. The moderate number of participants in the studies indicate a qualitative case-study methodology. The major finding from the project is that narrative therapy’s interventions, such as artwork, drawing, and letter writing, are appropriate supports for refugees of any age. It is a misconception that arts, drawing, and writing are for only children and young teens. Narrative therapy has the potential for use with refugees who have only a basic knowledge of English as well as their native language (Khawaja et al., 2022; Ncube, 2006).en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.subjectrefugees, trauma, displacement, migration, acculturation, assimilation, language, adaptation, connection, familyen_US
dc.titleThe Efficacy of Narrative Therapy in Supporting Refugees With Traumaen_US

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